Happily ever after

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Happy ending edition


Basically that whole video. Bc Sasuke would've never left the village soooo yeah.imagination

Here's how it would be 😭

Dozo: what the hell do you want, Sasuke?

Sasuke: Dozo...

Dozo: yeah?

Sasuke blushed

Dozo: what?...your face is red...what is it?! What, what, what, what, what??? Tell me before I get a heart attack

Sasuke: I...love you...
(He mumbled)

Dozo: HUH? What'd ya say? I didn't hear

Sasuke: I love you....idiot

Dozo: louderrrr

Sasuke: are you deaf?! I said I love you!

Dozo: uhhh ehhh i think I am actually going deaf

Sasuke facepalmed

Sasuke: 'out of everyone...I'm in love with a complete idiot!'
Sasuke: we've been together for years now...

Dozo: uh-huh

Sasuke: and...I've figured...that I...

Dozo: yeah?

He grabbed her hands

Sasuke: would you like to marry me...?

Dozo: what?

Sasuke: will you marry me?

Dozo blinked a few times

Dozo: marry...you...?

He nodded

I kinda just wanted to jump to him, and hug him tightly. But I liked to annoy him

Dozo: maybe
(I shrugged)

Dozo: depends, will you get on your knees for me?
(I teased)

Sasuke blushed from embarrassment and looked down, gritting his teeth. He was annoyed.
Younger Dozo: so...what is love really?

Dozo: it's an ocean

Younger Dozo: An ocean...?

Dozo smiled

Dozo: yep...it's exquisite yet dangerous. Be careful who you give your heart to

Younger Dozo: what about us..? Who did we give it to..?

Dozo: we didn't give it, he stole it

Younger Dozo: So...you don't love him?

Dozo: Uh...he's a pain but I don't hate him...he's...well...uhm...Him I guess

Younger Dozo: well...how does love feel like?

Dozo: pain and pleasure. At one point the affection and love could make you fly but then soaring for so long a storm comes and rips your wings off. That's exactly how I'd describe it.

Younger Dozo: Well...uh...is father proud of us...?

Dozo: not really but he tries to support us

Younger Dozo: why is he not completely...?

Dozo: uhh well...I'm married now...and he doesn't like the man I'm married to

Younger Dozo: Oh...well...are you proud of me?

I nodded, hugging her

Dozo: you've done enough...

Younger Dozo: what happened to mom..?

Dozo: I don't know, I haven't seen her since 5 or something

Younger Dozo: so...you have a family now?

Dozo blushed

Dozo: uh well...not right now but maybe in the future.

Younger Dozo: promise to not end up like our parents?

I looked at her...not knowing what to say. I felt like I had turned like my parents...like I always was like them

Dozo: me and sasuke won't turn out like my parents...I promise

Younger Dozo: wait...did you just say Sasuke?!

I chuckled nervously

Younger Dozo: There's no way you're married to that man, I hate him!!! He's such a jerk and he's annoying!

Dozo: uh-huh uh-huh yeah, I know...I know...

Younger Dozo: he's definitely going to break your—our heart! You can't trust him!

Dozo: yeah...but I love him...so there's that. I trust him though...he promised me

Younger Dozo: And? People always break promises, shouldn't be new to you, you're technically just me!

I placed my hand on her head

Dozo: I know you—we hate him...trust me, I still do a bit...but...he's not that bad of a husband. He's been...well...uhhh how do I say this?

Younger Dozo: don't even say it! Yuck! Gross! We promised ourselves that we would never fall in love! Worst of all get married!

Dozo: eh...yaaa...~ uhhhh sorry about that

Younger Dozo groaned

Younger Dozo: make sure to give him a nice slap from me! And...I swear if he ends up breaking our heart!

Dozo shook her head

Dozo: Sasuke's been...good.

Younger Dozo: I don't wanna hear about your romance! how'd you even fall in love with him.

Dozo: Uhhhmmm yaaaa welll...long story cut short...it randomly happened

Younger Dozo: Randomly just happened?! What about him?!

I smiled

Dozo: you'll know soon, younger me.

Younger Dozo: Ughhh! That's what I wanna know! Because I don't want it to happen! I hate Sasuke!

A sweat dropped down my head and I nervously giggled

Dozo: it was your hatred that made you realize how uhm not bad he was and so that hate changed to love, it still remained though, don't worry.

Younger Dozo: Ugh ugh ugh!

I smiled to myself.

Dozo: 'so this is what love feels like'

He patted my head

Sasuke: there there...

Dozo: what do you mean "there there"?!

Sasuke: nothing.

Dozo: Tell me!!!!

Sasuke: No

Dozo: Tell me!!!!!!!!!!!! Or else I'm gonna scream in your ear while you're asleep

Sasuke's eye twitched

Sasuke: sometimes I'm worried for my own life when I'm with you

I grinned

Dozo: Ya, you should be! Wait...are you saying I'm a bad wife or something?! Aaaah! Screw you Sasuke!

Sasuke: Hey-! What- no! That's not what I meant!

Dozo: you're a jerk! Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!

Sasuke growled

Sasuke: stop acting so childish!

Dozo: How dare you!!!

Uhm. Yeah so they definitely had their fights but anyways made up somehow? But ya...


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