Dozo VS Kakazu

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My plan went exactly as it should've and I was now left alone with Kakazu

Dozo: Hey, let's fight. You and I

Kakazu: I don't have time for this...

Dozo: you remind me of my mom...just as thirst for money and wealth. Let me further teach you. Alright?

Kakazu: Hm?!

I engaged him in combat and he was honestly really good. The second I tried to jump away he grabbed my foot with his elastic hand. I dodged with created a tornado in my foot. He tried to smash my head go the ground but I placed my hands above my head, holding on to the ground. I then used "Wings of Freedom" a jutsu that creates a wing out of chakra flew me up. He attempted to weigh me down but I released a tornado at him, forcing him to free me from his grip.

While the tornado distracted him, I threw a Yubitama at his heart

Dozo: 3 now!

I then noticed Hidan from not so afar. I then threw another Yubitama at him and it hit him

Hidan: hey what the heck! You wanna fight?! Come down he—

But before he could finish kakashi kicked him

I then noticed my foot getting grabbed again. He smashed me to the ground and threw me to the ground. I tried to pick myself back up

Dozo: awh shit that hurts...

Kakazu: you are powerful, I'll give you that. But there is one thing you lack, and that is experience...

Dozo: I don't need experience to beat you...a Shinobis set...skills, experience, teamwork, and loyalty. I don't need experience...I don't need teamwork...and I certainly don't need loyalty. All I need...are my skills!

I blew a tornado at him but the fire style mask deflected it. I groaned

'He has wind and fire...and they're colliding'

Kakuzu: if you're counting the original, my body holds up to 5 hearts. though thanks to kakashi and  you, I'm now in need for a replacement. That's why I'll be taking yours

I smirked

Dozo: you want my heart? Well you can fuck off because my heart belongs to me!

The lightning mask then attacked and I created a whirlwind that lifted me up. It was enough for the fire and wind collation to rip in the middle but it regenerated. The fire and wind attacked me up but the whirlwind flew me somewhere safe and I went down with the air still lifting me. I then stood on the ground, regaining my balance

Dozo: 'Wings of Freedom'

I then flew up the sky with my wings. I then looked at Kakuzu.

Dozo: you really don't take me seriously

Kakuzu: huh?

The tornado the came from below the ground of one elemental which had a earth nose. I then swung my wings, hardening my feather and releasing them. When I looked, Kakuzu was gone

Dozo: huh?

I looked behind me and he was there, he pulled me down by ripping my wings. He captured me with his mechanism but Kakashi sensai then engaged and kicked him away, also rescuing me from. just then Kakazu grabbed his chest, groaning in pain

Kakazu: wh- what did you do?

Kakashi: it seems...he pulled it just in time

Dozo: what now...?

Kakazu: but how? It's not possible

Kakashi: that's where you're wrong. That ritual of your partner's, sorry to tell you this, he used your blood for it.

' and I wasn't informed? '

Kakashi: you see, shikamaru knew Hidan's power utilized other people's blood so prepared blood capsules in advance

Kakazu: it can't be...when could you possible have had the chance?

Kakashi: when I struck you through with my lightning blade. Ay that exact moment I extracted your blood.

Kakazu: no way...that blousy kid...planned that far ahead?

Dozo: doesn't surprise me. His battle iq has always been so high

Kakashi: that's about the size of it, you should've been more careful. This time you've misunderstood your opponent. Asuma gave his life leaving behind that information. No way he'd let it go to waste. You people take lives without hesitation. there's no way you could ever understand the depths of what shikamaru feels

Choji: Kakashi sensai! Dozo!
(Ino and him ran to us)

Ino: are you okay Dozo, Sensai?

Kakashi and Dozo: Yeah

Dozo: somehow I am

I tried to pull the wire-rope thingy away but it pained

Ino: slowly! Make sure not to damage the vessels, here, let me treat you with medical ninjutsu

Dozo: it can wait.
(I pulled it off my body)

Kakashi: they're coming!

Choji turned giant and crushed them

Ino: nice work! Way to go Choji!

But the wire thingy wrapped itself around Choji's arm and Choji became normal size. Then Choji got flung away. One mask spat fire at us and Kakashi carried me away along with Ino.

The masks returned to Kakazu's body

Kakashi: what?! Damn it!

Ino: what?

Kakazu was alive again

Ino: he reanimated?

Kakashi: he somehow absorbed the lightning style monsters heart.

Then Kakuzu had a disgusting power up-down moment

Dozo: 'disgusting'

My Nindo (Naruto X OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن