Team Dosu

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Sakura: " at least he's finally breathing easier now. He's still got a high fever "

Dozo: " same with Naruto "

she was worried, afraid

Dozo: ​​​​​​" hey sakura it'll be fine, you're with me after all, I'll protect you...even if that means giving up my life " I said with a close eyed smile

She looked at me, surprised. I mean I could understand, I bullied her 24/7 but honestly, I take that as teasing. And besides, that's how I Show my pure insults.

Dozo: you can rest, ill watch over this time

Sakura: uh- thanks Dozo...

I nodded with a soft smile. When she went to sleep, that smile turned to a frown. I hated this. I placed a bandage on Naruto's cut since I always had bandages in my tool pouch, just for safety y'know?

I grabbed a snack from my tool pouch and ate it, well listen, I need to eat to recover my chakra. I then started to meditate.
Sakura: Hey Dozo

Dozo: yeah?

Sakura: you can sleep now, I'll watch over

Dozo: no, it's okay, I can watch over

Sakura shook her head

Sakura: you need to regain your chakra and that's a good way to do so, and I mean...I don't really need it anyways so I think you should, besides, I already got enough

It would be pointless to argue so I agreed.
I was trying to sleep peacefully but I kept on hearing yelling...I was so tired i just couldn't wake myself up. After a while I heard kunai clashing...I heard fighting noises...and then I heard closely...3 unknown voices and 1 familiar voice

Dozo: Shit!

I Immediately forced myself to wake up and my eyes widened when I saw Lee fighting 3 unknown shinobi

Dozo: Haruno are you okay?!

Sakura: huh? Yeah...but those shinobi...they...they want to harm Sasuke

My eyes twitched, why was everyone so obsessed with Sasuke?! No no no! I shook my head aggressively, it wasn't the time for his and I fights. As much as I hate sasuke, he's my comrade. He's not the enemy, they are! And...lee...

Dozo: why is Lee fighting them?

Sakura: I don't really know...he...he just...vowed to protect me with his life...

'What a simp...he's really that desperate? Even though I also told Sakura the same's different okay!!'

I tried to get up but my legs were asleep

I sniffled

Sakura: huh? What's wrong?

Dozo: this was the worst time! Just when I was awake! My legs are now in slumber!

Sakura had a odd look...her face was pale...she looked at me as if I was some if I was Naruto

After a minute my leg finally was awake and I jumped up. I then went to assist lee but stopped. Lee fell down on his knees...

' the with the speed of sound...? Well how can anything beat that?! I'd say only light would be able to travel faster than sound! This is just horrendous! '

Lee started coughing
Sakura: lee what's wrong?!

'Is what I'm thinking...correct?'

Lee then was bleeding through his ears

Sound ninja male 1: oh I forgot to mention this little gadget I wear. You might be able to dodge my blows but you can't get away from it
(He then started laughing)

Sound ninja 1: I don't need to strike you with my fists, I can hit you with the power of sound.

' I was afraid he would say that... '

Sound ninja 1: what makes it possible for the ear to hear things? What is sound really?


Sakura: Vibrations

Sound ninja 1: give the little lady a prize. Yes, the vibrations of molecular in the air creates a sound wave. These vibrations are collected by the ear and directed to the eardrum. The human eardrum, the atomic memory ruptures when exposed to sound levels and access 150 decibels. Moreover, if the sound is powerful enough to upset the fluid within the deepest inner ear canal it becomes impossible for you to maintain your balance

' I hate science...'

Sound ninja 1: feeling a little dizzy? Nauseous? That's right, best if you don't even try to stand up for a while

Sound ninja 2: you see busy, that old fashioned taijutsu stuff won't work against us! Not that you're pretty good at it, it's just that what's the point? Compared to our jutsu, that stuff's totally just yesterday's news. See, I can manipulate ultra sonic waves and air pressure. I can do things you've never even dreamed of. Face it little man, you're up against the justu of the future.

Sound ninja 1: now then little girls, it's your turn!

( he then charged us, I was about to flick him away but Lee ran to us)

Lee: no! Leaf hurricane!
(Lee attempted to use his jutsu again but he was injured so it wasn't as effective and was pretty slow. His balance was off.)

Sound ninja 1: Hm! Not quite as effective as it was before, is it? Still, it's impressive that you can move at all! We'll have to do something about that!

Noise from his gadget

Sound ninja 1: you hear that?! This device amplifies the vibrations of the impact, transforming them into a wave of sound!

Sakura: No!

Sound ninja 1: A sound wave I can channel with my chakra, focusing its energy on any target I desire!

I immediately flicked the sound ninja away

Dozo: Lee! Are you alright?!

Lee collapsed

' that makes three.. '

Sound Ninja 1: now now...don't be so feisty

I bit my hair tie and stretched it, I then tied my hair, putting it in a ponytail

Dozo: you know...come to think of're really ugly.

The first sound ninja groaned

I then released a big tornado at them

'Good day to be a long range...'

Sound ninja 2: Good try but as with my skills, your tornado is just a little breeze!

'Terrible competition'
I thought as I shook my head

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