Anko Mitarashi

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I had gotten all the answers and I was hoping that it'd be correct.
" alright, listen up! This is the tenth and final question " ibiki said

" but, before I give you the question, there are some more rules that you need to be aware of " ibiki said

kunkuro had arrived from the bathroom

Ibiki: " ah made it just in time, I hope you found your trip to the bathroom enlightening  "

' what is he talking about ? Did he cheat? '

Ibiki: " well, take your seat "

Ibiki: these rules are unique to question 10, listen carefully, and try to not let them frighten you

' is it really that bad? '

Ibiki: " very well then, rule number 1, each of you is given the choice to not take the final question, it's your decision "

' there must be a catch or something, MUST! '

" oh!? Then what's the catch, if we say we don't want do it what happens!? " asked temari

Ibiki: " if you choose not to take the 10th question regardless of your answers in the other 9, you'll get a 0, in other words you fail, and that means ofc means your 2 teammates fail "

' no one would be that dumb... right? '

Ibiki: " not so fast, you didn't let me finish "

' is he serious right now? Ugh '

Ibiki: " if you do accept the question and answer it incorrectly, you will not only fail, YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM TAKING THE CHUNIN EXAMS AGAIN "

' WHAT '

" hey that's bull man! That's ridiculous! What kind of gouges rule is that!? A lot of people here who've taken the exams before " kiba yelled as akamaru barked, probably agreeing with him

the dude chuckled

Ibiki: ​​​​​​​" I guess you're just... unlucky, I wasn't making the rules before, but I am now, ofc if you don't want to take it, you don't have to  "

' wow '

Ibiki: " if you're not feeling confident enough then by all means skip it, you can come back and try again next year "

' Please let us get it '

Ibiki: " now then if you're ready "

" the tenth and final question! Those who don't want to take it raise your hands, your numbers will be recorded and then you can go"


' should I go?! I'm scared!!!! I don't want to be banned but I also don't won't to be banned. I looked at my comrades for support. Naruto was struggling as much as I. Sasuke shook his head, symbolizing for me to not raise my hand. I looked at sakura and she did the same. I hugged my legs and buries my face in my knees

​​​​​​​Little by little, almost half of the people quitted and naruto was slowly raising his hands but he slammed it into the table and gave a whole speech so like you all passed congratulations anyways someone broke through the window and then revealed itself

​​​​​​​" is this supposed to be apart of the test!? " yelled Naruto

" Heads up boys and girls this is no time to be celebrating! " the lady said

Anko: " I'll be your new proctor, Anko Mitarashi, you ready for the next test? Good! The let's go follow me!!!"

Ibiki:" you're early, again "

' she's early eh? here's her and there's kakashi sensai ... '

Anko: " how many are there? Ibiki, you let all these guys pass? That test was to easy, you must be getting soft "

" or it could be a stronger chance of candidates this year " ibiki said

" hmm, they sure don't look it, trust me after I'm done with them, more than half of them will be gone " she said

" eh?! More than half, really? " asked sakura

Anko: " heh...this is gonna be fun "

' AIIII IM SO SCARED! I'm so scared! '

" alright you've maggots have had it easy, things are gonna be different starting tomorrow morning, I'll let your squad leaders know where to meet me, dismissed " she said

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