The Yakuins and the Uchihas

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Dozo: the only one who gets to torment me!!!

I yelled as the tornado come from beneath. The tornado distracted Madara and I caught Sasuke.

Dozo: Sasuke! Are you okay?! Are you dead?! Hello?!!! Don't die on me!

Sasuke: shut- up...I-m not- d-dead!
(He said as he coughed blood)

I activated my mark and Kali's chakra flowed on me.

Dozo: okay this will hurt but please bear with me

I pulled the sword off of him which made him spat blood

Madara: You? You're that Yakuin aren't you?

Dozo: I don't have time for you right now!
(I said as I touched sasuke's wound, it began healing)

Madara: interesting....You Yakuins are always so...special. But you really shouldn't be saving him, it can cause you your own life...

Dozo: Shut up!

Madara: you really should listen. Do you not understand the relationship of a Yakuin and an Uchiha?

Dozo: What are you talking about?!

Madara: they never really got along. Uchihas have killed Yakuins many time...are you sure you still protect him, knowing that?

Dozo: Yeah.

Sasuke: Dozo...

Dozo: shut up, I still don't forgive you but Naruto and Sakura do. That's the only reason.

sasuke looked at me

Madara: I'm still here you know! you really should be focus on mw then on each other!

He yelled as he charged us, trying to grab Sasuke's sharingan. I used Aegis and he went back.

Dozo: How many times do I have to say he's my to torture?!

Sasuke then got up

Dozo: are you feeling better now?

Sasuke nodded

Sasuke: yeah, thanks.

I then took my sword out and Sasuke grabbed his

Dozo: don't get stabbed again

Sasuke: Shut up

We were fighting Madara and he was tough.

I jumped up and my wings activated. I attacked him with the hardened feathers and he dodged them, a few hit him but he healed. Sasuke attacked Madara from the back and Madara kept on dodging.

We fought Madara for some time until...

Dozo: Sasuke, am I going blind or is he turning old old like Obito with white hair

Sasuke: Yeah...he's transformed...

Madara: so this is 6 paths power...Now, for that left eye.

Dozo: Hey- wait!

I followed Madara

Sasuke: Dozo! Stop!

And Sasuke chased after me

We had come to where Obito was, Gaara, Sakura, Naruto were also there

Sasuke: Dozo!
(He grabbed my wrist, stopping me)

Dozo: Sasuke ...

Sasuke: huh?

Dozo: look...

I immediately ran to Naruto

Dozo: Sakura! What happened to him?!

Gaara: he's injured..

Dozo: sakura, let go, I'll do the rest...

Sasuke: but Dozo-

I looked at her

Dozo: trust me

She nodded

I touched Naruto and my black chakra covered his body, healing him

Dozo: he'll be fine...he will...he has to...I know he will...

Sasuke placed a hand on my shoulder

Sakura: he's in a fine state! But- but how...?!

I smiled

Dozo: I'm a Yakuin...remember? I'm blessed
(I said with a soft close eyed smile)

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