The Ritual

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I traced patterns on the ground with a stick as I sat near the waterfall. My middle name was "Bane" which meant waterfall. I found waterfalls pretty...they are amusing

Dozo: I'm bored...and my mastery of the seal is already like uhm idk 56 percent...44 more...maybe Grandpa could teach me. I'm gonna go ask lady Tsuande if I can go to him
Dozo: Hey grandpa...

Oshinora: Oh my God! Dozo?! Is that you?! You've gotten so big and tall
(He said, cupping my face)

Dozo: 'I'm 4'11'

Dozo: yeah...hey Grandpa

Oshinora: Oh where is your dad?

Dozo: I came alone

Oshinora: Huh? Why did you do that? It's dangerous, you could've gotten hurt..

Dozo: Grandpa, can I ask you for something???? It's like REALLY important...

Oshinora: Oh yes, whatever, what is it?

Dozo: the seal...

Oshinora gasped

Oshinora: you've gotten it?! But how?! You're still like.. 5!

Dozo: I'm 16

Yakushi: who are you talking with? Wait...Dozo?!

Dozo: hey grandma

She hugged me

Yakushi: Oh you've gotten so tall and're so grown now. You're such a beautiful young lady
(She said as she touched my face)

I don't like being touched.

Dozo: uh- yeah, thanks Grandma
Dozo: how am I supposed to control my seal...?

Oshinora: you have to learn how to control your emotions first. You must form a ritual to get on good terms with your Gods.

Dozo: huh? What kind of ritual?

Oshinora: one that grants you their blessings and approval. You are able to communicate with them when needed...but more. Once they take control, you could also see. Their powers will be natural to you. But do never forget. You can never surpass the powers given. They are Gods...they are undefeated. We only receive a piece of their power.

Dozo: so it's only us? The Yakuins? No others?

Oshironora: no other clan is blessed than the Yakuin clan. We are known for our rituals. The Gods have blessed us with the Sacred Mark
(He said, placing his hand on my head)

Dozo: how do I master it? Like...full control?

He smile and turned

Oshinora: Not many Yakuins are able to master the seal

Dozo: I'll do whatever it takes!

Oshinora got up and picked up a scroll and opened it

Oshirnora: this will teach you all you need...and once you start the may not quit...or else...there's a possibility of death. Are you sure you can take that challenge?

I nodded

Dozo: yeah!

Oshinora: you will have to conduct this ritual in—

Dozo: a mountain, right?

He nodded

Oshinora: but there is a specific one

Dozo: No...

Oshinora: yes.
Oshinora: Are you sure, Dozo?

I nodded

Dozo: yes, I'll do my best

Oshinora: do not die

Dozo: I will try my best
I was forming the ritual and my eyes were shut. It was snowing and freezing cold. My body was cold and I then heard a cold deep voice

Tobi:  It's good to see you again...Dozo

I didn't stop the ritual and continued...though...I was pretty sure I was gonna DIE

Tobi: Oh now this is just know...Sasuke has just implanted Itachi's eyes on his...

He examined my doings

Tobi: and it seems as if you're attempting to master the seal...I did offer to allow you to join the Akatsuki, have you thought of it?


Tobi: I can not allow you to have access of such power when it's against me. You will have to die...

He approached me but was stopped by a lion's roar. The lion charged Tobi, catching him off guard. I continued my ritual and the lion faced off against Tobi

Tobi: hmm...I are the Yakuin's prize possession...and the Yakuins are the God's prize possession...and the Lion is sacred... is that your summoning perhaps..?

The lion didn't speak, instead, the lion just had the eyes of a predator, it was very dangerous. It wasn't an ordinary was sacred. I didn't know where it came from, but it did. The lion was far too powerful, it was a good fighter. It held its own against Tobi and left Tobi scars

Tobi:'ve gotten lucky....Dozo...but I promise you...your luck will end...soon.

And just like that, he was gone.

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