Tornado vs Meteoroid: Dozo's Oath

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Naruto: are you alright gaara?!

Gaara: what's the news on your end

Naruto: Dozo and the rest sealed the third Raikage. I saw that something In here exploded so I raced in here faster than Temari and the others to see if I can help out.

Gaara: I see...we are almost done too

Naruto: Good. But hold on, where's your enemy?

I looked up at the second Mizukage, Hozuki

Hozuki: Look at that, so you really do have friends.

Naruto: huh?

Naruto then looked up to find Hozuki trapped in Gaara's sand pyramid

Naruto: what? What is he? He's got a real weird body

Dozo: idiot

Gaara: No no, that's my jutsu.

Hozuki: hahahaha Kazekage, well, I see that you're the smart one out of your friends

My eyes twitched

Dozo: are you calling me dumb?

Hozuki: and who might you be?

Dozo: Dozo, Dozo Yakuin.

Hozuki: Yakuin you say? You 3 make a great pair

Gaara raises his hands and the sand moved. Gaara then smiled

Gaara: oh really?
(He asked, covering Hozuki with his sand)

Hozuki: it's been a while since I've had this much fun
(He said as he got buried in sand)

Just then the sealers performed their duty

Gaara: relay our current battle status to hq

???: yes sir

Onoki: you've fought well against the former five Kage everyone. The victory is ours on this battlefield

Temari: okay, extract the wounded. Get them to the medical teams. All those who can still fight stand by for further orders from hq. Lord Tsuchikage, you should seek medical attention too

Onoki: No, I'm totally fine, alright? Ow ow
(He yelped, placing his hands on his back)

Temari: listen, make sure you don't overdo it, old man

As Ōnoki responded, I sneakily poured my blood on him, healing him. Temari gasped and grinned. I returned it.

Onoki: hey! What the hell are you doing?!

I looked down on him

Dozo: wow there's actually someone shorter than me...
(I mumbled)

Onoki: what'd ya say?!

Dozo: nothing ... oh my— Lord Tsuchikage! Look over there! Madara Uchiha! Here's right there!

Onoki: What!!!???

He immediately turned around and I continued my healing session

Onoki: huh?! Where I he?!

He then gasped

Onoki: you liar! Don't you ever play that again, this is serious!

He began scolding me and I looked at Temari with pleading eyes.
I had done the best of my ability to assist everyone in battle. It was a good thing that I was fast...but a bad thing that I was easily out of breath.

Kiba: Dozo hey!!!

Dozo: Hummm?~ oh hey kiba!

Kiba gasped

Kiba: Dozo! Look behind you!

Dozo: huh?

I looked behind and flinched, my eyes widened in shock when I had realized kiba charging me with a kunai

I quickly caught the kunai, making my hand bleed. The Kiba then transformed back to itself

White Zetsu: know you! you're that Sasuke's—

I immediately punched him down to the ground

Dozo: not another word.

I grabbed his throat with my bleeding hand

Dozo: Do I know you or something? How do you know Sasuke? Why were you Kiba? Do you know Kiba? How do you know Kiba?

White Zetsu: woah woah, chill. I'm not really supposed to say anything but—

I groaned and crushed his skull.

He then turned into a tree

Dozo: I'll have to go around using my third eye everywhere. least then I won't get fooled again.
I then stopped when I saw a huge meteoroid.

Dozo: UH?! Dozo quick!!!!! Think!!!! UH- AEGIS!!!!

I stopped the meteoroid with the Aegis. I clenched my teeth and added much chakra to it, trying everything I could to stop it.

Naruto: Huh?! Dozo?!

I was forcing so much chakra in it I was bleeding

Madara: 'How interesting... stopping a meteoroid despite such lack of age and experience. Though, it could be wasted in a second...'

Onoki: 'it's that girl again!'

Gaara: Dozo...?!

Naruto: Dozo! Are you okay?!

Dozo: a few more...just...a.....few....more....

I then flicked everyone away and spawned a tornado, the tornado picked up the meteoroid. The Meteoroid was paired with a Tornado. This caused the meteoroid to swirl around in the tornado. I didn't allow anyone to get stuck in the tornado, ofc. So it remained calm for now. I then sent the tornado up the sky, back in the space. The meteoroid's direction changed due to the tornado and the tornado disappeared right when it entered space. I exhaled and fell to my knees, panting heavily

Naruto: Dozo!!!

Dozo: it's gone now...

Madara: 'impressive.'

Onoki: 'but how?! She's just a mere child!'

Madara: But you used up all the dance on just 1. How about another?

Just then another meteoroid showed up. My eyes widened and my mouth slightly opened

Dozo: No...

I was about to perform a jutsu but was stopped by Onoki

Onoki: Dozo! Take a break! Let me handle this...

And just like that, he flew to the Meteoroid.

Naruto grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him as he ran

Dozo: Naruto! What is he going to do?!

Naruto: he will make that meteorite lighter!

Dozo: density manipulation?

Naruto: I don't know! All I know is that we should run!
The meteorite was stopped with no deaths. I sighed in relief.

naruto then groaned in pain and held his stomach, he was in pain

Dozo: " Naruto-! "
(I yelled, supporting him)

Dozo: " Are you okay? What happened ? "

Naruto: " m-my stomach... "

Dozo: But how?!

Temari: Dozo, focus on Madara, after all he isn't the real Naruto

Dozo: " I know but... "

?: " ! It's them! They're toward 4olock. "
(the man screamed)

Dodai:" he is able to use wood style?? "

???: " I guess this is it for us then "

Dozo: be quiet! I won't allow any of yours death!

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