Team 7: foxy, pinky, old man, and a bossy girl

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Dozo woke up and changed into her normal clothes. She then did her routine and went to the balcony, she was writing and then her father came

Daisuke: " Hello Dozo "

Dozo: Hey father...

Daisuke: I've heard about the mission, are you okay?

[Dozo nodded]

Dozo: it ended up all right...

Daisuke: how's your team?

Dozo: terrible...i mean I guess it's quite entertaining but they all suck

Daisuke: you know, the chunins exam is coming up

Dozo: Chunin Exams? Like...the exam that determines if you're going to be a chunin or not?

Daisuke: mhh-hmm that one.

[Dozo shrugged]

Daisuke: it's very difficult and requires great amount of skills...that exam is one where you can die. Usually, rookies like you don't participate in it unexperienced

Dozo: Me? I bet I could beat half the people taking the exam

Daisuke chuckled

Daisuke: if your sensai did happen to recommend you, you would participate in that exam with your team...but...

Dozo: what is it?

Daisuke: I don't want you to participate in that exam

Dozo: why not?

Daisuke: it's risky, you could die

Dozo: Father, you also participated in it, and you turned out fine. I am your daughter and I can handle myself now. Just trust me with it. I have your blood in veins...I should be fine

Daisuke: if that's what you want...but you must promise me that you'll return safe.

Dozo: father, you're acting like I'm going to take the exam right now. It's only if. And I'm not that weak.

Daisuke sighed

Daisuke: alright...
Dozo: " morning "
Sakura: huh? Oh, Dozo, hi
Naruto: Good morning
Sasuke: morning.

Dozo: He's still not here?

Sakura: no...

Naruto: late as ever

Sasuke shook his head

We all sighed
Kakashi: hey you guys, good morning, sorry I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost in the path of life

Naruto: " I'm ready for the next ninja mission sensai! Oh and hey no more of this dumb beginner stuff okay? "

Naruto: " I want a chance to prove myself, I'm talking a real mission where I can show what I'm made of ahghh I gotta break it out and burn it up! See!? "

Naruto then glared at sasuke with a dangerous look

Naruto: " BELIVE IT! "

Kakashi: let us know when you're done fantasizing, naruto so we can start the mission alright?

Naruto: right!

Sakura: " could you not be so annoying naruto, just for once?! "
The missions were boringly easy, i completed all of them with ease...And naruto kept on messing up all the missions.

" look at're hopeless naruto " sakura said

" you really are just one big problem " Sasuke smirked

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