Forbidden Love

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Sakura: there they are

Kakashi: it figures they'd be here.

I took a step forward

Sakura: Dozo, wait—

Kakashi put his hand on Sakura's shoulder and shook his head. Sakura then looked at the ground, stopping.

I continued myself and jumped down to the 2.

I didn't want to look at sasuke so I faded away from him. I cut my hand, letting my blood drink on their arm

Naruto: Thanks, Dozo.

Sasuke: Dozo...

Dozo: shut up...don't talk to me and don't utter my name.
(I said with a straight face, only looking at their wound)

Sasuke: I'm sorry...

I touched both of them, allowing my mark to go on them. It was healing them. I just ignored Sasuke and still refused to look at him. I then got up and took a few steps back

Dozo: That'll do it.

I then went up again, not wanted to see Sasuke's face

Sakura: huh? Dozo—

But I ran off into the forest. I was going to burst into tears in any second and I didn't want anyone to see. I pressed my back against a tree, leaning to it.

Dozo: I ended up just like my parents after all...
As much as I loved sasuke, I hated him. I forced myself to stay away for him, ignoring him at any sight.

I knew that Sasuke had just gotten out of prison and was going out of the village to atone his much as I wanted to visit him...I didn't. I already made that mistake once...not again...I don't want my heart broken again.

I was in my room, hugging my knees...all alone.
I found Hinata sitting on a swing all alone

I sat besides her

Hinata: ! Dozo-

I looked down at the ground

Dozo: you don't have to say...I understand

Hinata: h-huh?

Dozo: you love Naruto

Hinata: n-no! It's nothing like's just...that...I...

Dozo: forbidden love. I don't know what you see in that idiot...but if he's who you love then he's the one you need to marry...and don't even bother lying

Hinata: but...

Dozo: your clan won't allow it, right?

She nodded

I looked up at the sky

Dozo: you've already been abused and disowned...what could be worst? Speak your mind Hina..and change the system...

Hinata just looked at me

Dozo: I really have no room to speak but let me give you an under your clan's and your father's shadow won't do you any good...maybe for once...just...listen to yourself...if you really love him...if you're really sure...then marry him instead...if you're not marrying the man you love...then what's the point of marrying at all? If your clan won't accept you then they need to learn. I'm sure that's also what Neji offense though, you're an amazing women.

Hinata: Dozo...

Dozo: that's should probably get home now, it's late

Hinata: Dozo, wait

I stopped

Hinata: thank you, Dozo...

I looked at her and looked back at front. I closed my eyes and out my hands on my pocket. I continued walking

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