The survival exercise

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My alarm was ringing so loudly that it was disturbing my sleep. I picked the alarm up and threw it. And it was finally shut.

Daisuke: " Dozo wake up! "

' it's so early though...ugh... '

I got up and then my dad opened the door to my room without knocking

Daisuke: you met your team huh? so who's your sensai? And who is in your team

Dozo: Sasuke, Sakura, And Naruto ...

Daisuke: Naruto? The one with the 9 tails? It's best to stay away from him

" shut up father, it's not his fault he's a jinjuriki. And plus, he isn't so bad. "

Daisuke shook his head

Daisuke: wait, why do you have 3 members when you're supposed to have 2?

Dozo: uneven amount of students...

Daisuke: hm...I who's your sensai?

Dozo: Kakashi sensai...

Daisuke placed a strange expression

Daisuke: " well you can sleep in then "

Dozo: " why's that? "

Daisuke shrugged

Daisuke: " he's always late "

Dozo: " okay "

I then fell back to bed and slept
Daisuke laid his chin under his hand

Daisuke: let me ask you a question. What matters the most in a ninja? Skill, Intelligence, loyalty, experience, or teamwork?

Dozo: skill

He shook his head

Daisuke: it's on the battle field that depends... remember which ones to use on which occasion

Dozo: but you need skills in the battlefield

Daisuke: yes but skills isn't always everything

I rolled my eyes, just what was he talking about, skills was obviously needed

Daisuke: here, eat some breakfast

" I'm not hungry "

Daisuke: " go on, you need the energy "

Dozo: you know I don't like eating in the breakfast. And besides, Kakashi sensai told me not to

Daisuke sighed

Daisuke: Alright then, go on it's time

Dozo:" bye dad "

Daisuke: bye
I arrived and saw Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto

" is kakashi sensai here yet?"

Sakura: " no...late as ever "

Naruto: " but why're you late?! "

I shrugged

" my father said kakashi sensai is always late and told me I could sleep in "

Naruto sasuke and sakura sighed
the sun was shining so bright, i had crawled over to the shade of the tree and sat down, sakura and naruto joined me while sasuke stood in the sun

" morning everyone, ready for your first day? " kakashi asked

Sakura pointed a finger at him and yelled with Naruto " hey you're late! "

" well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way " kakashi explained himself

" excuses " i mumbled with an irritated look as my eye twitched

My Nindo (Naruto X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें