Daisuke Vs Danzo

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As soon as the two tall, refined wooden doors opened, the Anbu ninja entered and I entered behind him. When he stopped, I stopped too, and while he told Danzo that i was already there, I looked around. A huge center table, with lots of chairs, a chic chandelier, some wood and silver furniture around it, and large windows on the wall beside the table. And in front of the windows, there was a line of five Anbus ninjas.

Danzō: Sit down, Hikari.

I stopped examining the room when he said so. I accepted his invite and sat in the center chair even if I wanted to sit at the back. I was toying with my hand while I did so.

I sat nervously but attempted to hide it. Danzō looked at me curiously. He was waiting for my mask to be removed.

Dozo: It'd be best if I don't eat...I don't regularly do breakfast.

Danzō: you need to eat in order to get your strength up, how else would you be able to be my ninja guard?

Dozo: Lo-

Danzō: it's an order.

Dozo: Yes...

I took my mask off as he said

Danzō: How are you, Hikari? I hope you had a good night, because for a long day and a long night you will not rest. Until we get to the land of Iron
(Danzo said in a low, calm voice as he poured tea into his mug. and then on mine. Upon hearing that, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, looking away, gathering myself. I then turned my face and looked at Danzō with a calm expression.)

Dozo: I'm okay, thank you for asking. And how are you feeling?
(I said with a smile. I know he was hokage but I couldn't find enough courage to call him Lord or Hokage)

Danzō: I'm great, looking forward to your performance on this mission.
(He said In a calm and relaxed tone)

I nodded and then gazed at the tea in the cup while I thought

Dozo: 'who the fuck drinks tea in the morning? Actually...who even eats in the morning? Gross...it's only like 7...'

I smirked

Dozo: well I'm glad. I hope I reach your expectations and satisfy you well enough with my skills...

After talking, I looked at the table and Danzo took a sip of tea, as he waved for the food to start being placed on the table.

Danzō: What do you expect from this mission, Hikari? In your vision, what will happen?

I looked down at the plate...I was unsure what to say, how to reply...everything I say and do has an effect here. after the moment of silence, as he started to sweeten the tea and looked at me from the corner.

Dozo: Well... I'm not so sure...but I do hope that nothing terrible will show up...after all...It's my duty to protect you...and I do hope I do it well...you entrusted me and it's only 1. I can't fail to fail your expectations. And the village greatly needs you, until Lady Tsunade recovers...

At hearing my answer, Danzo spent a few seconds analyzing me and then nodded slightly, while drinking another sip of tea.

This got me nervous...did I say something wrong? Maybe he didn't have such sweet tooth, not my fault

Danzo: Well, anyway I know I picked the right person for this mission. I won't be disappointed, right?
( he said with a menacing tone and a dark expression on his face. )

This triggered me and annoyed me. I took a deep breath and covered my face...remember the training Dozo...Great King Lion...

Dozo: No...certainly not...at least I hope so

Danzo gave a slight smirk to my answer and realized that I really did changed, as he expected to hear me threaten him

He nodded

Danzō: "I'm sure I won't be disappointed.."

Just then a familiar voice spoke

???: address Lord Hokage as Lord or Hokage when speaking to him. You're being rude and disrespectful.

Just then I had realized who's voice that was...Father's.

Dozo: yes...Kozoko

I looked quickly at Danzo, as he asked me to try the foods they put on my plate, as he had asked them to make just for me. After taking a deep breath, I stood for a few seconds looking at my plate, without any desire to eat. Danzo's presence took away your hunger. And...who the fuck eats in the morning?!

I covered my mouth the hide the expression of disgust...and who knows what he could've put in it? Poison?! I certainly don't mind dying but dying from him?! Me?! Dozo Yakuin?! No chance.

Danzō: I heard rumors of you being deserted by your respected. It's sad. We all are well aware of your father but we never actually witnessed your mother...where is she?

Danzo wasted no time and continued talking, wanting to test my patience. And when i heard him broach the subject about my mother, that incident, I stopped chewing the food I had chosen and looked at him sideways.

I was holding it all in but the seal was just unable to hide from. But before my seal could do anything my father spoke up

Daisuke: with all due respect, you have no right to speak of Niri!

Danzō: are you commanding me?
(Giving a side eye)

Daisuke: I'm informing you! Do not speak of the past, you know exactly what happened! If you say another word I'll kill you, I don't care if you are hokage!

Danzō gave a dark glare and tried to speak but before he could, Daisuke threw a kunai at him. I grabbed the kunai with my hand. I looked at my bloody hand and my father groaned. I gritted my teeth in pain and gripped on my hand

Daisuke: you bastard!

Daisuke was about to charge Danzo but before he could, Danzo spoke.

Danzō:Send him to prison.

That was the last straw my eyes widened at seeing my father being taken away. I glared at Danzo but his face was emotionless. I gritted my teeth and groaned, putting my mask back on.

Daisuke: just wait until I get out, I will get you!!!

Daisuke got took away and Danzō looked unfazed. I held my tears and anger in...I looked down at my feet and whimpered quietly. I'm a terrible daughter aren't I?

Danzō: Accompany Hikari to the infirmary and bring her to the starting gate at 8 so we can leave

Dozo: No...I shall be mine...I will...

I sighed

Dozo: I will be fine. my mark should heal me soon. I just need some time alone, I have some errands to attend if you don't mind...

Danzō: it's an order.

Dozo: Yes...

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