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" mhmhm well jiraiya, still playing the fool I see, you were always ridiculous but this time you've outdone yourself. Clearly our tsunade have got to you somehow " Orochimaru said

" your jutsu did need a sacrifice, perhaps she was thinking ahead. Drugging him somehow to suppress his power " kabuto examined

" to think she would make a sacrifice of jiraiya, well, just as ruthless as ever aren't you tsuande? Mhmhmhm you're as big of a disgrace since we first met " Orochimaru said

I had went over and stood next to Tsunade

naruto did his own summoning but no use

I stared at naruto with glare, not knowing if i should laugh or cry

" what happened? SYSUSUSJ where the heck did I go wrong?! " naruto asked

Toad: " hi everybody, hey gram how are ya? "


Other toad: " hey gamatatsu, why're you here, where's the old man? "

Toad: " gamacichi what's going on? This is the first time I've ever been summoned, I'm finally get the chance to shine "

" you idiot.......... "


they chatted while i sighed

The snakes then charged us all, making us all split up, i had went in a safe place to land, far away from the enemies

I then quickly landed where tsunade and the rest were, Naruto was on the ground unconscious, Shizune was Injured, Tsunade was terrified

I was facing Kabuto

Dozo: ​​​​​​​" I won't let you ...I won't let you hurt Lady Tsuande "

Kabuto: so you really think you can fight me? You stand no chance, get away or die

Dozo: Don't worry about me...I refuse to die to the hands of you anyways!

I then tried to flick him away but he dodged in time. I kept on tried but his speed was incredible

Kabuto: you're just wasting your chakra, face it Dozo...you're still too weak!

I created a tornado and released it at Kabuto

He had took fall damage. I didn't know where he was, my tornado just sent him flying somewhere.

Kabuto: y'know, playing with tornadoes isn't safe for a little girl like you!

Kabuto yelled, charging me. I could've dodged by spinning but Tsuande was here ... so instead I flicked her away and took the hit

Dozo: ow...my arms...they hurt...
(I mumbled)

Kabuto: it's pointless, don't even try! If you interfere once more, I'll kill you!

he then went towards Tsunade tired to kick her but I took a deep breath and blew Kabuto away. I didn't need my arms to create a tornado! I can do it with my mouth!

Dozo: to hurt her, you must kill me.

Kabuto: As you say!

He began to charge me, I tried to blow him away but he just dodged. He then tried to punch me but Naruto took the hit with his headband.

Dozo: Naruto...?

Naruto: and to touch her...you must kill me!

I slightly blushed, what did he just say?

he then performed rasengan but kabuto easily dodged it and touched Naruto with the chakra, making him fall. He then started kicking naruto. My blood boiled. My eyes widened and I had ticks...I groaned and clenched my teeth. I then glared at him and kicked him away.

Dozo: Do not touch Naruto!!!!

I then spun to him and flicked him before he could do anything. I had a rage moment. I then punched him away in a tornado. He had hit me a few times but they weren't so fatal since I was spinning. I was tanking. I refused to give up! I then created Yubitami and threw it at him. This sent Kabuto flying way back. I went panting heavily and the tornado stopped. I then spat out blood and fell to my knees. I was coughing blood. I panted heavily. My vision was blurring and my head was spinning. I closed my eyes and opened them. I tried my best to stay conscious.

But he was alive...he was pretty wounded, yeah, I couldn't actually have the guts to kill anyone so I would just badly wound them...but it seems...I can't get away with that this time..

Dozo: h-how...are you...still...standing...after that...?

Kabuto: I focused my chakra in the point of impact. Before it'd even hit me I started healing myself. You see now why lord Orochimaru values me so highly not only for my skills and knowledge of jutsus but most of all for my recuperative powers.

The wound started to heal

naruto got up slowly, creating a shadow clone, just then the shadow clone had built chakra on Naruto's hand and he did it, he used rasengan, just then naruto charged kabuto

Naruto: I don't care if you do have recuperative powers! You're still going to die by the hands of me!

Naruto then hit Kabuto with a rasengan. Then, me and Naruto both passed out. But our efforts got Kabuto down on the floor.

While Tsuande I was mumbling one thing

Dozo: I don't...care...if I do die here...just...please...heal my friends....

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