The Spark

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" hey this is fun! " sakura said while siting on a branch

​​​​​​my eyes widened, how did she do it?!

" sakura! " naruto yelled out to her as she sticked out her tongue

" well it looks like one of the female member of the squad, has the most advanced chakra control, well done sakura "

" yeah, way to go sakura, I always knew you were awesome, believe it! " naruto said

" whatever " Sasuke mumbled

​​​​​​i sulked from embarrassment, envy, I was happy for her but kinda mad~ I mean how could i not? Plus if my dad was here, he would give me a whole lecture of how easy this was and me not being able to master such a easy tactic. I'm NOT accepting that, at alll

​​​​' i hate being put under pressure...I admit, I might've not been the 1st one to make it but I won't be the last '

" well, not only did sakura understand chakra, she can control and maintain it as well, we spoke about someone becoming hokage one day didn't we? It seems like sakura's got the best chance of that " he said, giving naruto a boost

" and it seems like Yakuins aren't so mighty after all" he said, pissing me off, making me feel guilty

Kakashi: " as for the great uchiha clan, maybe they're not so great after all "

" Shut up sensai you talk to much! " sakura yelled

' I'm so mad I can murder someone right now ' i thought while naruto and sasuke glared at eachother

I sighed as i thought more of what kakashi has said, i then tried to forget that naruto and sasuke wait no, i tried to forget that ANYTHING existed, i thought of nothing but the tree, I was pissed! I could NOT take that much disrespect

' I'll show him to not underestimate me! ' i thought while gathering chakra to my foot

' no... calm down Dozo not to much chakra... ' i tried to calm my nerves but nothing worked

I closed my eyes and visualized the blue chakra on my foot as i ran to the bark, i ran with all my momentum but i had used to much chakra, as expected, i quickly marked my spot with my kunai and backed down.

I sighed and tried to meditate and told myself that everything's alright, after a few minutes of meditation, i tried again, this time I was using meditation, concentrating whole gathering chakra and i then walked calmly to the bark, I was walking some babysteps then fell after marking my place
I sighed

I looked at naruto, sasuke, and sakura for inspiration , Naruto was asking sakura advise, i sighed as i started to try again

1st, meditation, calm my nerves. 2nd, focus on the bark, the roots, the tree. 3rd slowly gather chakra, focus, it's not that high up, it's not that high...affirmations, I just need faith in myself...

I then ran to the bark and surprisingly, this was my new highest score, topping Naruto's and Sasuke's, i smirked at the thought

' good, but not good enough! ' i thought

sakura went to protect tazuna while me, Naruto, Sasuke were still training, at this point, I was desperate, whatever it took, i just had to! Though i would need to sit out for sometimes due to lack of chakra, such a pain but that didn't stop me from trying!

I sat and thought for new methods, ' I already use meditation and affirmations, what else could I add? I'm missing something '

" why is it so hard!? " naruto yelled, interrupting my thoughts

they glared at eachother as they got up, i sighed, they've been doing this ever since. Then they started climbing the tree as i smiled, belief...competition, yeah, yeah that's it! I'll add my anger to the addition, tho that's a weird combo...I'll work it! I'll turn my anger to power! '

I grinned as i got up, this time you were more determined, more relaxed, i knew what i had to do!
Naruto fell, then sasuke, i studied every movement they've done and examined what they did wrong, i sat for a movement, having a lot in my mind, and had analyzed EVERYTHING my moves, their moves, everything! My head was full of doubts and theories

" Hey Naruto! " Sasuke called out for him, totally interrupting my thoughts

naruto fell


Sasuke: ​​​​​​​" well uh yk, the thing is "

" ye? The thing is what? " Naruto asked while folding his arms with an annoyed face

" y- yk, you asked sakura for a advise when was here, so what did she tell you? " sasuke asked while looking away

" I'm not telling you " naruto said while smirking

​​​​​​​okay thats it, that was the last straw! I was a little envious, I won't lie...i was cool but a part of my body, my body boiled, a spark came in me, i got up and this time... i HAD to do it! I quickly gathered chakra as i ran, ' I am not an disappointment! ' i yelled in my thought as i ran, ' They'll learn to respect me, value me! love me, they'll learn the Dozo Yakuin!' i thought as i ran, i was an inch away! Then i heard Naruto's voice, " YOU CAN DO IT DOZO!!! ", that gave me a boost as i ran further and as soon as i did, i marked it, i then fell due to overworking myself. But luckily naruto caught me. I had made it but I passed out after.

Though because of it, I had made a new high score!

" Dozo, you're awesome! " naruto said while carrying you inside

​​​​​​ sasuke pouted, he got beaten by another ' loser '

I woke up in a few hours, but i could hardly even move a muscle, I was exhausted. But hey, at least I mastered the skill.

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