Shikamaru Nara

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Sakura had released me from the genjutsu

Kakashi had commanded sakura to release shikamaru and naruto from the genjutsu since he taught her genjutsu and she did so while kakashi had summoned a dog, Pakkun, shikamaru was already out of the genjutsu and naruto had just gotten out

" first I'll explain the mission, as soon as I do, go through that opening, first track down sasuke and stop him, then find a safe place and await incoming orders " kakashi explained

" did something happen to Sasuke?" Naruto asked

" I'll tell you what happened on the way now let's go!" sakura explained as she dragged naruto

Dozo: " wait for me- "

I then chased after them
" so that's what happened, I get it, I guess sasuke got inpatient " - Naruto

" oh man, why did you have to pull me into this anyways? This whole thing is such a drag" - Shikamaru

" it can't be helped okay it's kakashi sensai's order " - Sakura
. . .
" this way! " - Pakkun

" how long till we catch up?" Asked Naruto

" idk, a long time if we keep moving at this pace " - Pakkun

" Awh cmon! " - Naruto


" !!! Hey all of you, hurry up! " - Pakkun

" what is it? " - Sakura

" did you see sasuke? "- Naruto

Pakkun: " no, there are 2 squads behind us, that's 8 ninjas, there's 1 more, there's 9 ninjas following us "

Dozo:" 4v9? Interesting "

" what " - Naruto

" awh man cmon already, gimme a break! " - Shikamaru


" gahhh what's the deal? Why are we stopping!? " Naruto asked

" Zip it and follow me " Pakkun ordered

Pakkun: " we're going back on our foot prints, if we pull this off, our footprints will seem to disappear "

Dozo: " that's smart "

" gaah is this really gon do anything? I mean they must be really lame ninjas of this pulls them off " Naruto complained

" they'll help buy us some times, that's what we need rn, but if our persist is getting impatient so come to the thrill of the chase and
lose sight of our tracks, I'd certainly wouldn't complain, know what I mean? " Pakkun asked

' he's starting to sound just like sensai... '

" hey hurry up! " - Sakura

" we don't have all day now " - Shikamaru

" let him be, the only thing that'll happen is our death, nothing else " I said sarcastically

" shut up I know! quit bugging me" naruto yelled back


" this is not good, be prepared for an ambush, they're definitely back on our trail" Pakkun Warned us

" ghhh great, they're probably chunin or higher, we'll be wiped out if they catch us " Shikamaru explained

' wiped out? I'm not dying here '

" listen guys we don't have much choice, we're gonna have to ambush them " Naruto suggested

" an ambush? That could work, it would give us an advantage even if they're all 2 twice as much as there are of us, if we can just catch them off guard " sakura explained

" no it's no good, I'm afraid that those ninjas chasing us are orochimaru's henchmans, my guess is they're all jounin level " Pakkun explaines

" ghhh I really thought that would work, I guess it won't " - Shikamaru

" wait hold on, why not? The level of the opponent's doesn't have much to do with an ambush does it? " - Sakura

" sakura... " i didn't know where to start

" wait what're you talking about? " Naruto asked

Dozo: " are you serious naruto... "

" you guys just don't get it, let me explain, yes an ambush is a key battle technique and can be very beneficial but for it to work you have to 2 conditions" Shikamaru explained

" well what are they, tell us and well meet them " Naruto said

" Number 1, the ninja on the run must be quiet and find the enemy first " He explained

" Number 2, they must be able to catch the pursuers off guard at a location where they can't do a lot of damage quickly and conceal themselves again just as quickly " I finished for him

" and it's only under those 2 conditions where ambush can truly be effective, now the first condition won't be as hard since the ninja hounds know where we can find our enemy and the second one also seems to be in our favor where the geography of our village that we know in the back of our heads, however.. orochimaru is a former leaf ninja so the second condition, we're out of luck " Shikamaru explained

" we are ? Wait tell me why that is again " Naruto asked

Dozo: " Oh Naruto... "

" our pursuers have studied the layouts of this village and I have to assume that they've been simulated practice for this mission and to the top of that, they're probably master of the persuade jutsu " Shikamaru explained

" so they know all the cards we're holding?" Sakura asked

" well Idrk, I suppose that an ambush can give us an advantage but so many things are uncertain, besides, our enemy is an special unit that was specifically put together just for this operation, and what are the 5 of us? A kunoichi with no particular talent (Sakura) A dog (Pakkun) A dunce (Naruto) A brat (Dozo) and me a slacker who doesn't even wanna be here" Shikamaru answered

' I'm not a brat! '

" look, tactics come from comprehending your own existing strength and formulating the best plan based on that and so, what's within the realm of possibility for us right now is just one thing" shikamaru explained

" one thing?! " sakura asked

Shikamaru: " a diversionary tactic that looks like an ambush! And delays them by making it look like we're lying in wait. One of us stays behind"

" in other words a decoy " sakura explained

" That's right, if that person can detain them, the enemy will lose track on the other 4 and we'll be able to shake the pursuit. However the person who gets to be the decoy will most likely... die " Shikamaru explained

" so uh any volunteers? " Shikamaru asked

Dozo:" I'll go. "

"But Dozo, you can't go!" naruto yelled

Dozo: " I'll be fine I think "

" Dozo..."- Sakura

" very well then..." - Shikamaru

"No! Dozo is coming with us and that's final! " Naruto yelled

" Dozo is quite strong and has a jutsu that may even work against them but her strength could be needed for what we have ahead. We might need her! And besides...we're team 7... " Sakura explained

Dozo: think logically. I'm the one with the best chance.

Naruto: but Dozo

" shut up, I'll go " - Shikamaru

Dozo: " I already said I'm going "

Shikamaru: " just shut up, I'll go, I don't even wanna be here "

Dozo: " Shikamaru... "

" hmm?! Our pursuers have stopped!! " - Pakkun

" you mean Shikamaru...?!- " - Sakura

" told you so " i said as you winked at her

" yeah yeah " - sakura

" that means his tactics must've worked!! YES " Naruto's cheered

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