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In the south forest of konoha, me and the other 4 ninjas who were in my group were walking towards the village borders. In total about 20 ninjas were summoned and they all were divided into groups to go to each part of the boarder.

???: Hey Hikari, can I stick with you?

Dozo: No thanks.

???: huh? But why not- I mean I-

Dozo: I prefer working alone...

I just didn't trust any of them.

??: so you're going alone?

Dozo: yeah

?: but that's too dangerous

Dozo: I'll be fine.

???: your father is Kozoko right?

Dozo: 'that's father's code name'

Dozo: No...he isn't.

??: huh? That's strange...we could've sworn you were...

Dozo: less talk, let's go.

???: right
I looked up the sky

Dozo: I hate being stalked

I flicked the bird away...just how many more do I have to flick?! I already flicked 12 today!

While I was doing that I sensed 2 more here. I then got blasted with shurikans later to know it was a substitution. I went up the sky using Wings Of Freedom. I then found him and flapped my wings, sending hardened feathers.

Dozo: I'm so impatient right now...

The strange man got stabbed by some but it was a substitution. The man then appeared behind and threw shurikans at my wings. I closed my wings to deflect the attack but while I was deflecting his attack, a woman came and threw a kunai at my wing, making a hole. Damn It. I turned into a tornado form and charged them and I fell to the ground. They had attempted to anticipates my moves which they did...but simply were to slow. I kicked the man away and held the woman hostage. Damn I was dizzy.

Strange Man: are you sure you want to hold me hostage?

Strange Woman: it's not a smart move
(She said, getting up. Her back must've hurt badly from getting thrown to a tree)

Dozo: huh?

Just then I realized a paperbomb covering the man's body.

Dozo: Shit-

Was he crazy?! That's suicidal! I quickly moved away but the explosion had be done. Of course, I took some hit but it wasn't SO bad due to me moving away in time.

Wait! Did the woman move away too?! I quickly ran there to find the strange woman...I wasn't a tracker nin or anything so it was hard. I examined the ashes of the ... cold... I looked around. Then the woman charged me from behind. I blew her away to find out that was a substitution. Where was she?! I spawned a mini tornado to suck up everything, making it an empty field.

Dozo: there you are!

I trapped her in a tornado and flew her up in the sky. The tornado released the items below and I let her suffocate in the tornado. I made her stay there long enough for her to be unconscious. I didn't kill her because 1. Soft hearted. 2. Investigation.
I was sleeping peacefully when I heard knocks on the door. I groaned and hid under my blankets.

Dozo: ' I'm supposed to guard Danzo...'

I jumped out of the bed and changed into my uniform and put on my mask. I went out the door expecting some Anbu or someone but saw Moegi instead

Moegi: h-huh...? Who are you?...and where is big sister?

Dozo: uh- your big sister is...uhm...occupied. What do you need from her?

Moegi: well I wanted to ask her if she could train me...

Dozo: Uhm...she said she would be free once she's done guarding Danzō...Sama

Moegi: oh okay...then

Then I saw an Anbu coming, it was Oshiro

Oshiro: Hikari, Lord Danzo has called you for a coffee before going. Im supposed to take you there

Dozo: uh yeah, I'll be there

Oshiro nodded.

I locked my door and Moegi watched

Dozo: Bye Moegi

Moegi: h-huh? Oh- ye-yeah, bye

I went with Oshiro

Oshiro: who was that?

Dozo: my subordinate I assume...

Oshiro snickered

Oshiro: someone actually had the guts to?

I punched him

Dozo: I'm going to kill you!
I was about to go inside but I saw Kakashi

Dozo: Oshiro, stay here, I wanna talk to sensai

Oshiro: uhh I-

But before he could answer I ran to Kakashi

Dozo: Sensai?

Kakashi: Hikari...I will put a information bulletin with necessary information of a mission that team 7 will attend, you can come and meet up with us WHEN the trip is over. We would need your assistance in the mission.
(He whispered as he slid a paper under my pockets)

Dozo: uh? What kind of mission...?

Kakashi: you'll know when you read what you must, okay? Don't fall for his trap, I believe in you

I nodded

Dozo: I will try my best to not fail you, sensai.

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