Kimimaru Vs Rock Lee

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Ok so right away I'm am skipping to the part, the bone dude whatever his name was showed up and stole the coffin

" sorry naruto, Dozo, it looks like I've miscounted " shikamaru said

Dozo: " sorry?! "

" kimimaru " Tayuya called

" you were taking to long tayuya " Kimimaru explained

Kimimaru: " and what of our comrades, what happened to our other 3 mens? This from the formal ninjas from the sound ninjas 5 "

Tayuya: " why've your come back here? Your body is- by now you're body should be- "

Kimimaru: " my body is now to devastated to move on its own, I used the power of my mind. "

Tayuya: " no way, now you're cheating death? "

" I understand much more now, the strength of my life force has intensified, since escaping the prison of human flesh. I hade a taste of lord orochimaru's magnificent dream" kimimaru said, rubbing the coffin

' weirdo... '

" orochimaru... " naruto called

" this vessel is an important part of his dream, it has the flesh that lord orochimaru desires. And you have taken to much time retrieving. " kimimaru explained

' why does he desire human flesh!? Most importantly sasuke?! '

" hey jerk! I've had just enough, I don't understand a word you're saying! Give sasuke back!! " naruto said, charging kimimaru

Dozo: " Naruto! "

Tayuya also went to stop Naruto, she punched Naruto down, I immediately grabbed naruto and landed in a branch

Dozo: ​​​​​​" naruto you idiot! You should really be more careful! "

" he's taking Sasuke...not again, I gotta go get him! " naruto said

" just calm down Naruto " Shikamaru tried

" how can I calm down?! He's gonna take sasuke away from us! " Naruto yelled

" you idiot shut up and calm down, you're raging, think with your head idiot, not your anger " I was worried for Sasuke too but i knew that i had to calculate everything so i wouldn't lose sasuke or shikamaru and Naruto

" you rodent, I'm gonna end you in a flash " Tayuya said, pulling out her flute

Dozo: shut up!

I flicked the flute away from her grip with tornado and I caught it.

Dozo: here!

I threw the flute to shikamaru and he caught it

Shikamaru: Uh thanks Dozo, you and Naruto can go to that guy. I'll end her quickly and catch up with you 2

I nodded

Dozo: yeah, let's go

I immediately spun, going to my tornado form. Naruto was following since i placed him in a whirlwind

" hold right there! " naruto said, completely irritated, activating some 9 tails mode

" Sasuke's ours " I said, a bit irritated

" let's should I destroy you 2? " Kimimaru thought

" interesting..." Kimimaru said

" tell me what orochimaru's planning to do and why the heck he's tryna get sasuke so bad! " naruto asked

" lord orochimaru has already acquired the immortality jutsu but a vast amount of time is required from every jutsu and everything he wants from this world " kimimaru explained

Dozo: " why does he exactly wants sasuke's body? Why not anyone else's?! Is it cause he's one of the last uchiha or what!? What makes him so different "

" I do not know of that. All I know is that just because lord Orochimaru is immortal doesn't mean his body could maintain itself forever. So before his flesh decades, a strong, a new body need to be prepared for his soul " kimimaru explained

" are you saying- he's gonna use sasuke's body?! " naruto asked

" that's right, precisely " kimimaru explained

" no, not Sasuke, I won't let you do it! " Naruto's said, building up the fox's chakra

" there's no way you're getting sasuke! " naruto yelled, creating multiple shadow clones

" how amusing " - Kimimaru

​​​​​​​he had beaten most if not all of the the shadow clones smoothly. I took advantage of this and took the coffin to our side. I helped Naruto fight Kimimaru but Just then sasuke's coffin began to have purple chakra coming of it, and there stood sasuke.

" hehehe....hey sasuke! What're you doing hanging out with these losers for?! Cmon buddy let's go home! " Naruto waved

Dozo: " Sasuke.... "

Then sasuke started laughing like a maniac, ignoring our calls

​​​​​​​" Sasuke- cmon let's-lets go home, cmon everyone's there waitin for ya, sasuke- ya- ya hear me? " - Naruto

I stared at him with an odd look, his chakra, his aura didn't feel correct, it felt weird, as if he got possessed or something, it was a scary aura

Naruto: ​​​​​​​" talk to me!!! What is wrong with you have you gone deaf or something?! "

​​​​​​sasuke then ran somewhere

Naruto growled

Naruto: Dozo! Go after Sasuke, I'll handle him!

I nodded and was about to go after Sasuke but Kimimaru stopped me and Naruto stopped kimimaru.

I was about to chase after sasuke but just then, Lee appeared...and he was...fine..

Naruto: Bushy brows!

Dozo: Lee!

Lee: Naruto, go with Dozo, I'll handle him!

Naruto nodded and me and naruto went after Sasuke

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