This isn't you!

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then the huge snake came towards Sasuke

" Go away! " sasuke yelled, throwing kunais at the snake

it was dead....but the person inside wasn' was the woman from earlier

" I sense your fear and desperation... it's only natural, a prey must never let down its guard, not even for a the presence of it's predator. " she said as she wrapped herself around the tree, about to capture me

Just then a bunch of shurikans hit her, it was Naruto

" looks like I came in just in time! " Naruto said

" Naruto "  me and sakura called

" oh and by the way...what was that password again? " naruto asked as I gave him a look

" forget it, I know it's you, you made it here " sakura said

" naruto! Get out of here! What're you thinking?! You don't know what you're up against! Hurry! Go now! While you still can! " Sasuke warned

" so managed to escape from my friend... well done " the kunoichi said

" okay okay I don't know what's going on here but you've been picking on my friends and I don't like that! So you better slither back into your whole snake lady before I make a whole shoe out of ya! " naruto screamed

" you can have it! The scroll right? That's what you want! Alright then, take it and leave us at peace. " Sasuke said

" Sasuke are you crazy or what?! We're just gonna go and hand the scroll over to the enemy?! No way! What's wrong with you?! " Naruto asked

" shut up and stay out of it! " Sasuke yelled

I watched the 2 of them argue, this was the worst time and what could I do? I had to do something

" very well, very sensible, sometimes the helpless prey, if they are able to save their own skin, realize the only way is to distract their predator with something even more precious. " The woman said

" take it " Sasuke said, throwing it to the woman

naruto caught it

" stop playing the damn hero! Just stay out of it and leave it to me! " Sasuke yelled

naruto punched him

" stupid fool! You don't know what you're doing! " Sasuke yelled

" I may not know the password, but I know who I am, you're the one I'm not so sure about, how do we know you are who you say you are. " naruto said

Sakura: " what do you mean? It's him. Don't be so stupid "

Sasuke: what sort of nonsense is this?! It's me, you loser!

Dozo: You 2 are taking him too literally...he's saying that you're out of your senses sasuke, you aren't acting like yourself...

Naruto: yeah...that's right. You may look just like him. You may sound just like him. But there's no way you're the sasuke I know! I don't care how tough a fight you've been through. Surrendering? Giving up the scroll? You are proving Dozo's say about you being a coward! When did Sasuke become a coward?! You keeep in saying I don't understand what's going on but I do! You've choked, that's what it is!

The kunoichi chuckled

???: sad but true

The kunoichi then licked her face

Dozo: disgusting...

???: it doesn't matter. As far as the scroll goes, I can simply kill you and take it.
The kunoichi pulled her sleeve up and bit her thumb, drawing blood on the seal on her arm

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