Dozo's Comfort

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My continuing was bore. It was the same old, same old. Danzo's stupid missions and training. Until one day. I was examining a picture of Lord Shiv and touched my forehead

Dozo: "The Third Eye huh...?"
I was off with meditating, attempting to create my own jutsu but instead, I got distracted with informations of the Akatsuki members killing Asuma sensai so I had to stop and attend the funeral. I went along and found everyone mournful. Konohamaru as crying again. First he lost his grandpa and now uncle. He's young...but this is what it means to be a shinobi. I pitied him. Kurenai Sensai was also very depressed, very upset. It was sad. I couldn't imagine what team 10 was going through. Losing their Sensai, tough. Though I noticed, Shikamaru wasn't here. I went along after to check on Shikamaru. I found him sitting alone on a roof. He ran his personal errands and I followed. I didn't want to confront. He seemed...different. It was sad. I honestly didn't have the courage to confront him. I don't know, I felt a bit uhm...scared I guess.

Dozo: uh...shikamaru

Shikamaru: uhhh Dozo? you need something?

I took a deep breath and sighed

Dozo: well...uhm...I don't know how to say this since we barely even interacted but I do care for you, alright? Please don't blame yourself any further, it's not your fault...there's nothing you could've done. It's destiny...

He looked annoyed, a bit angry honestly

Dozo: burying it deep doesn't help out of all people should know. I respect you. I see potential In you. You're...uhm...very mature even so if you have your flaws.

Shikamaru: what do you want, Dozo?!

Dozo: if it ever comes to you taking vengeance, I do support the decision. I encourage it actually, Avenge Asuma-Sensai. And I'll assist you...the best of my ability. I will do what I can to help...not like I like you or anything, I'm just saying. Accept the truth Shikamaru, it's for the best...move on and just don't allow his death go to waste...

Shikamaru: shut up! You know nothing about this!

Dozo: you're full of anger. Releasing it out on me...go on, I don't mind...but...are you sure I'm the right person to take it out on? You should conserve your anger...for them...ya hear me?

He gasped

Dozo: I believe in you Shikamaru.

He was oddly confused on which emotion to release, he seemed surprised and confused, and a bit angry

Dozo: Good luck, I guess...take care of yourself...alright Shikamaru? I know you always say that you're a "man" so of course you aren't going to open to a girl...especially to the one you hardly even know. I'll give you space. But do know, I care. I'll do what I can to help you avenge Asuma-Sensai, Shikamaru, Know that.

My words got him thinking and he didn't know how to reply. He stood silent, watching me leave. I never really comforted a boy you know... and this was Shikamaru. You know it's serious when he's upset. Up to the point of crying. I pitied him. Words of affirmations are all that I could gift. Any other than that would just weird him out I guess...and me too I guess...
Dozo: Hey Konohamaru

He stopped and tried to wipe his tears but they wouldn't stop flowing

Konohamaru: B-big sis Do-Dozo...? Wh-what do you wa-want?

I tilted my head and looked at him. I walked up to him and he looked up at me. I kneeled down and hugged him. His eyes slightly widened and he broke down, embracing him tightly and crying. He buried his face on my chest, getting sobs and snots all over my clothes.

Dozo: there there... it'll be fine...let it all out
(Pats his head)

Dozo: your uncle was a great man...he was an excellent shinobi...just like your grandfather. They both had a purpose in life...they are a shinobi...and they fulfilled their purposes. It was for the good. I'm sure they're watching you...they're proud of you, konohamaru. They want you to stay strong. Your uncle was a strong shinobi. Be strong for him, alright? Your grandfather too. You're doing so well right now Konohamaru. You're strong...

Konohamaru: big sister...!!!

His 2 friends then popped up and saw Konohamaru crying while hugging me. Their eyes had a look of pity...I looked down at Konohamaru, unsure when his sobbing would be over. But I stayed until it was. I ended up taking care of him the whole day. He actually ended up falling asleep on my lap after sobbing so much. I had to carry him back home.

I hate kids but I also hate seeing them cry

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