Blooming Rivalry

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I then went straight to home, wondering if father was there

" Father... "

" Oh Dozo hello. Are you back already? " he asked

I nodded

" do you you think you maybe have the time to train me...? " I asked very low

" ah no...I'm sorry. I have to head to a mission right now " He explained

", it's okay I understand... "

" I know that your graduation day is coming though. I can't train with you but you can train with your uncle. " he said, putting his shoes on

" No...Uncle is...I mean...I just was hoping to finally train with you for once. "

" Well sorry, maybe next time. You know I'm doing all this for you " he explained as you looked away

He always said that...he was neglected and pushed me away. He always compared me to mother over the smallest arguments and sometimes even treated me like her...I used to look up to him so much...

" Bye Dozo " he said

" By- " but before I could finish he disappeared into thin air

I frowned and gripped on my fist, shutting my eyes

" you always say that father... " i mumbled
I was writing my feelings down while sitting on top of a tree. I enjoyed the weather...the breeze...the sun...the shade...the nature...not the bugs. What a perfect weather. I then heard bangs and stabbing noises. When I went to the direction I saw Sasuke training...all alone. I then slightly smiled and watched him. Sasuke then stopped and looked at me

" You? What are you doing here" he asked

To be fair...I always despised him. He got on my nerves. I was the top of the class before he showed up! I mean there were times where I excelled him but i was still a bit mad for him stealing the title of the most skilled and the smarted kid in the academy. And to top that off he was a jerk. I tried to speak with him once and he shunned me. I kept on following him and he said I was annoying...maybe but he didn't have to be so mean. He then noticed my journal

" so you were writing " he examined

I nodded

" you were training, weren't you? "

" and so what so what if I was? " he asked

" spar with me then "

" what? " he said

" I want to see...which one of us is stronger "

" and what if I refuse? " he questioned

" then I'll assume you're scared "

" take your stance " he warned

I threw some distance and waiting for him to attack

" letting me attack first? Big mistake. " he said, charging me

I defended against his attacks and it was a spar in taijutsu...though...I had asthma. We were fighting and he used fireball on me and I jumped, dodging. We then glared at each other. I then did a few handsigns...then I had a mini tornado on my finger and I threw it at him. He tried to escape but the wind was too strong...he got caught up in the tornado and I walked up to him. I kneeled down...I pointed a kunai at his neck and it turned out to be a substitution. I then quickly looked behind and saw him up in the air, throwing a bunch of kunais at me which I caught. I then grabbed his kunais and set them on my fingers. I reflected his act and he deflected it quite easy. He then used fireball on me once again which I used my tornado to suck it the tornado was like a fire tornado. The tornado then sucked the fire in and disappeared right after. He was caught off guard and so I threw a kunai at him which he took the hit or it seemed...substitution. I then sensed kunai coming from my left which made me take the hit...or it seemed again. Substitution. I then kicked sasuke and we then sparred in taijutsu. I flicked the tornado to his leg and attacked which got me on top. I then pointed a kunai at his neck and he pointed one at me but at the my back neck. We gazed at each others eyes...his eyes were very empty yet deep inside...I could sense a passionate feeling. I then faced away and began panting heavily. Sasuke looked at me

" you aren't as bad as I expected " he said

" I didn't expect any less from you " I replied, glaring at him

To be honest I kind of pitied him. I heard what happened to his clan. It got slaughtered by itachi right? His brother. My dad can't keep his mouth shut about it and I saw Itachi and Sasuke together before, only for afar though. I never had the courage to speak with them. But by so, I knew they were brothers. Poor boy, suffered a lot

" do you always train alone? " I asked

He nodded

" do you? " he asked

" Not always I guess...sometimes I get company from family "

" must be nice. " he said in a cold tone with a hint of envy

I sighed

" It sucks though "

" how so? " he asked

" my uncles are just lame and I am not so close with them. They're always comparing me or insulting me. Plus they suck at teaching. And I never want to train with them, I want to train with my father but he always avoids me with an excuse of a mission. And he just tells me to train with my uncles " i mumbled to myself, not wanting him to hear but at the same time wanting him to

" ... " he said nothing

" you know, I used to look up to you but now I hate your guts. You always look down at everyone which makes me want to defeat you. I want to crush that ego of yours more than anything. So...let's fight sometimes " I said with an alluring smile

He looked at me with a blank expression. His cheeks turned a bit red

" tch " he said, looking away

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