Kabuto: a traitor

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" the answer has to be no, at least it better be! " naruto yelled

I gave an annoyed expression, i didn't sign up for this

" woah...what the hell happened here " naruto asked

" well well I'd say something put tsunade in a bad mood, she's got a foul temper " jiraiya examined

' such destruction'

" well okay but where's the grumpy old gramp now? " Naruto asked, walking around

he had stepped on tsunades jacket

" which way? Well tonton? " shizune asked

" okay let's go!" Naruto said, chasing TonTon
We 4 had arrived right at time

​​​​​​​" it's been a long time...old friend " Orochimaru said to Jiraiya

" long time indeed, and I can't say it improved your looks any, old friend " jiraiya answered

" hey!!! Kabuto! " naruto called

" naruto " kabuto said

" kabuto? Hm.....ohh isn't he that idiot who quit in the preliminary in the chunin exams? Oh oh oh and he was the stalker with those weird cards " I said, pointing at him

" so you 2 met him him huh? " jiraiya asked

" of course we do, we took the chunin exams together, what are you doing here kabuto? " naruto asked

" outta the way! Stay out of this, I can handle them! " tsunade pushed jiraiya away, charging kabuto

Fight Fight Fight

​​​​​​​" your jutsu's worn off, now I am at 100 percent " kabuto explained

​​​​​​​blood blood blood

​​​​​​" I knew that I'd never be able to take the 2 of the legendary sanin at once but now at least I've got one now! " kabuto yelled,
(punching Tsunade towards Shizune)

" lady tsunade- " Shizune said

"I don't get it, what's going on? I'm confused, Am I missing out on something? How come Kabuto and Lady Tsunade are mixing it out " Naruto asked

Dozo: "You idiot, he's a traitor, he works for orochimaru."

Kabuto: " I see your as slow as ever naruto, no wonder you're no match for sasuke and Dozo. I would expect nothing else from you "

Dozo: " huh- "

" I'm a spy from the land hidden in the sound. " kabuto explained

Kabuto: " go on glare at me all you want, you're still a pint sight genin. I admit the demon inside of you made me worried for a time, but surrounded by the 3 legendary sanin, I see how insufficient you are. Near them, you're a mere child sitting at the grownups table, stay out of it! Or die "

" oh yeah?! " naruto yelled, charging kabuto

" Naruto no! " jiraiya tried

Dozo: " you idiot... "

fight fight fight

​​​​​​​narutos Shadow clones were pointless and he got thrown towards shizune, shizune threw poison needles to kabuto but he dodged from his headband

​​​​​​​he jumped and landed towards orochimaru, he then ate plasma pills

" well ofc, he's trying to replace the blood he's already lost " jiraiya explained

​​​​​​​" so he's a medical ninja, like me " shizune said

​​​​​​​orochimaru took his bandage off

" so that's orochimaru " naruto examined

​​​​​​​" yuckkk he's even uglier in his true form " I mumbled, sticking my tongue out

" well now we can finally get down to business, shizune " jiraiya called

​​​​​​​" yes " shizune answered

" I'll let you take care of four eyes right there, just leave orochimaru for me. " jiraiya said

" there's just one thing, I need tsunade to do something about my body before we start it here. " jiraiya explained

" it may be awhile before the full effects of that drug completely leave your system, I'm very sorry but it can't be helped master jiraiya " shizune explained

" WHATTT you gotta be kidding! Well well what can you do right? I guess I'll just have to face him as I am. Tsunade, use your recovery ninjutsu and rest" Jiraiya said

" what about us, what should we do " naruto asked

" don't do anything, you just stand guard over tsunade with that pig okay? " jiraiya answered

" cmon I wanna fight this guy, he's gotta pay for what he's done " Naruto insisted

" forget about it, that jerk with the glasses is right, your in over your head. Our opponent is one of the legendary sanin like me, and the man who killed the third hokage, this is an eye for an eye, I'm the only one who can fight him! And four eyes over there can you toe to toe with kakashi if he had to " Jiraiya explained

" don't worry, not a problem! Shadow clo- " Naruto tried

" hold on Naruto, your clones won't work here, don't even bother, they aren't any point here " he explained

" WHAT " naruto yelled

Jiriaya: " it won't even be a basic diversion, you'd be wasting your chakra. "

Dozo: yeah, but my tornadoes are effective! I can do something, can't I?! My jutsu would be a diversion!

Jiraiya: Fine. But you must only attack from long, guarding Tsunade! They're a dangerous pair, now them , how about we get this thing started?! " jiraiya asked

​​​​​​​they all used summoning jutsu

" what's up? " a little toad said

" what the- why're you here?! Where's your father?! " Jiraiya asked

" hey hey long time no see " the toad said

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