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Dozo: Father...

Daisuke: what is it?

Dozo: I met them...

Daisuke: who are you talking about?

Dozo: Them...

And then Daisuke realized

Daisuke: you did?!

I nodded

Daisuke: you are now different Dozo

Dozo: what do you mean?

Daisuke: they will now protect you. But if you die of an accident...you will go to hell. That's the side effect of such power

I nodded

Dozo: I'll make sure

Daisuke: I'll now have to test something with you

Dozo: what is it?

Daisuke: follow me

I followed him and he led me to forest of death

He then looked at my hands and took it into his he then placed a sealing jutsu on me

Dozo: what did you do?

Daisuke: your chakra will slowly be drained from this seal. I need you to fight the beasts. Its your training

' he's crazy... '

Daisuke then stood on top of the fence while I stood in the ground

Those beasts then came to me, charging me. I engaged in combat. I was fighting them, blowing them all off with my jutsus. Then it came where I was all out of chakra. One of the beasts then bit me and I screamed out loud in pain

I then had these marks all over my body (picture above)

And then black chakra covered me, pushing the beasts away.

???: allow me to save you from this misery...I shall kill anyone that must harm you
(A voice spoke in your head...)

Dozo: maa...Kali...?

???: that's right...and I'll protect you...just let me in

Dozo: yeah...please...

She then took control of my body and my eyes changed in color, turning it bright red. My skin color then turned blue. I was not aware of what was happening. I then woke up and found myself in the hospital bed AGAIN


Daisuke: so you're awake

Dozo: what happened...?

Daisuke: the mark took over you and so Kali took over your body and killed all the beasts

Dozo: mark?

Daisuke nodded

Daisuke: the Sacred Mark. It grants the user powerful abilities such as super healing and chakra about unlimited

Dozo: woah~ now that's cool!!! But- well I mean...I heard her voice in my head and she was asking permission to enter...what was that all about?

Daisuke: they need your permission in order to take over your body and save you. You had Kali for that situation but you can have more than Kali. I have more than 1 God protecting me and it's the same for you, depending on how skilled you are in the God's training.

Dozo: Woah~

Daisuke: I've gotten quite old now and I've been bruised quite bad so the Gods will now go to your favor..

Dozo nodded

Dozo: I see...

Daisuke: I shall train you to be able to use that power

I nodded rapidly

Dozo: Yes yes yes yes yes!!
???: Those skills...they're quite impressive

Dozo: huh? Thanks but Who are you?

Danzo: I am Danzō. You seem to catch my interest...would you like to join the Anbu?

Dozo: wait for real?! How can you do that?

Danzo: I am the host of the Root Anbu..I could definitely have you in it...

I blinked a couple of times

Dozo: Me?

Danzo: Yes

I blinked a few more

Dozo: it would be an honer

Danzo: it will take a while to fix you...

Dozo: what?

Danzo: you lack darkness..but you do have potential to reach it.

'What is he, crazy?'

My code name was Yakuzo which just happened to be a combination of my last and first name

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My code name was Yakuzo which just happened to be a combination of my last and first name. Danzo appointed me a comrade and I got attached to him quite a bit...that is until..Danzo asked me to kill my comrade

Dozo: what?! No! There's no way! I can't! Tama,you're my best friend!

Tama: you should've known better...

Dozo: huh?

Tama: it was all an act you fool!

He then threw shurikans at me and I let it hit me. I looked at him with my eyes widened and my face full of sadness...I felt so...betrayed. As if I lost everything. I then had tears escaping my eyes

Dozo: Tama...

And because of this strong emotion, the mark reappeared on me and my skin turned blue again. This time, the chakra was yellow in chakra. The kunai on me dropped and I started healing. It didn't take long before He got in his knees

Dozo: did those weeks...months...meant nothing to you?

Tama: No, they didn't. I've always hated you and I hate you now!

I knocked him out and went to Danzo

Dozo: I no longer want to be apart of this organization...I'm done

Danzo: what? You barely even started

Dozo: I don't want to be your slave...and plus...you're taking this way too far with being heartless...

Danzo: you don't have a choice! You're already in this organization and I won't let you leave!

Dozo: I'm leaving. You're too cold. If this is what it means to be apart of the Anbu, I refuse.

Danzo gasped as I walked away
I tried to get out of the Anbu but all my efforts were to waste. I was forced to do what he was told. He said that if I didn't do what he asked then he would kill my father. My father was the only one I had left. My mother left me and God knows where she is...I don't want to be an orphan...And I didn't want my father hurt...I'd be guilty...and...I really care for my father...my father was strong and even apart of the Anbu black ops but still, who knew what Danzō was capable of? I was scared. I did what Danzō asked and I was honestly scared. I never actually killed anyone...I was too soft hearted...but him...he forced me...and made me emotionless...making me put a mask on. When in reality, I was suffering. He was so childish!

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