Sasuke and Sakura's madness

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I was up on the ceiling, right above Sasuke. Sasuke was blinded by the usage of his powers and I looked down on him. I was about to do something but Haruno beat me to it. She charged Sasuke with a kunai

Dozo: Sakura No!

I grabbed her wrist and kicked her below, trapping her down.

Dozo: just what were you thinking?!

Sakura: Dozo, let go!

Dozo: huh?

Sakura: I won't let you naruto, or kakashi sensai bear the burden any further! I will kill Sasuke!

I tightened my grip

Dozo: are you out of your senses? That's the man you love...I know he sucks still love him...and Naruto does a brother...he's your teammate...Haruno, listen to yourself!

Sakura: and he's a criminal!

I groaned, I don't care about her opinions towards Sasuke, I really don't. 1 less bother but Naruto, did she speak with him?! Was HE okay with it?!

Kakashi and Sasuke were fighting again and Sasuke almost got captured if it weren't for Tobi.

Sakura: let go!

She escaped my grasp and charged Sasuke with a kunai but he threw her away and threw the kunai at her.

Naruto had caught Sakura and took the hit

Dozo: " Naruto... "
(I murmered)
" you've got a better timing than I do Naruto, I've never imagined you to come here. good thing you did, you're a lifesaver " -Kakashi

" thank you, naruto... " -Sakura

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