Dozo's request

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Sakura: we're back

Shikamaru: my dad told me about what sasuke did

Naruto: yeah, I fought him

Shikamaru: you fought against Sasuke?

Naruto: I'll tell you more later. But for now, could you gather everyone? There's something I need to say

Shikamaru: alright

Konohamaru: Naruto-niichan, we've been waiting for you!

Naruto: you guys!

Moegi: Nee-chan!

Dozo: Moegi, hey

Udon and Konohamaru were speaking to Naruto while I spoke with Moegi

Dozo: did you count how many trees there were?

Moegi nodded

Moegi: 170!

Dozo: nope. There are 165

(Her face was shocked and she sighed, weighing down)

Moegi: big sister, please please please train me!!! You promised to!

I nodded

Dozo: uhm... just let me take care of some things and you'll have my full attention

She nodded
Shikamaru: How could Sasuke have done that?

Shino: that's...unbelievable

Naruto: that's why...I want you guys to let me handle Sasuke

Tenten threw her side first on the wall

Tenten: you wanna fight Sasuke alone?! Do you honestly think we would all go along with someone like that?!

Shino: like Tenten says, Naruto...we can't always let you do what you want all by yourself. The reason is because this is a big problem for the whole village

Naruto: look, I'm not being selfish.

Kiba: I know you swore to go into full details when we got back but I never thought that you'd say this! All of us here have made up our mind to eliminate sasuke! You can't do this alone

Dozo: all of you but me...
(I mumbled, looking aside)

Shikamaru: listen Naruto, I hope you're not just saying that you're going to take down sasuke when you're actually planning to protect him.

Naruto: I'm not. Trust me, I have no intention of protecting Sasuke

I looked down at the floor, my eyes just empty...I was paralyzed, just flabbergasted.

Dozo: 'Sasuke... they mean...they're actually gonna kill him...? They mean it? But...why?... no...I know why...I'm not that foolish...but...I don't get it...when did they have this mindset...?...'

My eyes were widened and sparks of my eyes brightened. It feels as if my soul left my body. I thought I was going to pass out from shock but Neji's voice put me back to conscious

Neji: sasuke must've been greatly weakened by fighting at the five Kage summit. Why not take him down right then?

Sakura: Madara Uchiha was there so it would've have gotten that easily if we tried! and besides-

Kiba: that's no excuse! You shouldn't have let him get away that fast! Come on, Naruto! You're strong aren't you? You're the village hero that took down Pain, remember?

Naruto: I wasn't the one to defeat Pain, it was Dozo. The village just declared me as it because I destroyed that ball and tracked the original body and so the lives were revived. It was because of Dozo that Pain was defeated. And you can't defeat Sasuke just by being I know. Inside of him is

Choji: what is it, Naruto? What did you find out?

Naruto: No one should take on Sasuke. Not with the way he is now. 

Neji: just what do you mean

Naruto: that I'm the only one who can't fight him and that's all I can say

Dozo: No! Listen Naruto, Sasuke is not only your problem but mines too! I will not allow you to get killed because of his hatred...I won't let you take it... you need to take care of yourself more! Think for yourself...if not, think for the know how much you pain affects us?... it hurts you more than anything, I know that...but it sucks seeing you suffer...and all from Sasuke...I guess...I guess I don't mind you dealing sasuke but—

Kiba: really Dozo?! How mature! And I thought you were one of the smart ones

Tenten: Dozo, listen to yourself! You're out of your senses!

Neji nodded

Dozo: But please...let me protect you...let me help you
(I grab his hand and put it up to my chest, holding it)

Naruto's eyes widened as he looked at me

The rest were just as shocked as Naruto

Naruto slowly pulled his hands away from me

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