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I had returned to the village and was expecting flowers and showers of affection but instead I saw the village all destroyed and citizens crying. I was confused. I walked inside the village full of dead bodies and slugs attempting to heal. I walked further more and found the dead body of Kakashi Sensai

Dozo: Kakashi sensai....
(Tears formed in my eyes and I sobbed, I was attempting to hold it in. I hugged his lifeless body so tightly and weeped.)

I then walked and saw something I shouldn't have. My eyes widened and I fell to my knees. I saw my father's dead body...

Dozo: No...no...father...please...don't die on me...you're alive...right?...you can't die yet...please...what did I do wrong now? Are you mad at me dad? Wake up...please...this isn't funny...dad...please....I need you...Dad....
(Tears continuously streamed down my brown orbs as I gazed at my father's corpse)

Dozo: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I yelled as I mourned. I hugged him body and cried a river)

Dozo: Dad! Please! Wake up! Please! please! Am I dreaming?! What did I do wrong?! What happened?! Why is everyone dead?! Please don't leave me too father...please...I don't want to be alone...I'm scared...I don't want to lose you...mama left us...and if you leave me too...I- i don't know what...I'll kill myself father. Please! You always threatened to leave me and I sobbed of it...but I could've never imagined you actually doing it this way! Dad!

I hugged him tightly as my tears turned to acid

Moegi: big sister!?
(She yelled as she ran to me)

Udon: you're back?!

Their eyes then widened when they saw me. A mixture of Red and black chakra was covering me. My eyes bright red and my skin black.

Dozo: who did this?
(I asked in a deep dark voice)

Moegi: the orange haired!

Udon: with a cloud robe!

I got up and stopped by Udon's voice

Udon: Big sister!

Moegi was about to get attacked by an orange haired as said. Just by a single glare, he froze, paralyzed. I walked up to him and grabbed his throat

Moegi: b-big sister...

Udon: big sister...

They then ran from fear and I glared at him

Dozo: did you kill my father?!

????: who is your father...?

Dozo: Daisuke.

????: certainly not...there are multiples of us...one must've done it...most likely Pain.

Dozo: where is he?

????: i am not aware

I squeezed his throat up to the point to crushing his skull.

Dozo: Blood....I crave....Blood!
I killed every orange haired that I could see...my lust for power...my desire...it was like no other. I seemed vengeance, my father. It's crazy. It's like it was my body but it wasn't. Like little by little I lost control. Rage...anger just growing on me. My blood boiled

Tsunade: Dozo!

I honestly couldn't care if she was Hokage at this point. All I thought about were 3 things. Destruction, Vengeance, and Father. I would go on a rampage if I didn't get my father...I was out of my senses...I was mad

I then noticed another pain clone up in the sky, one I haven't killed...so that must be it. I threw the one I was killing and went to it. But he then released an attack that was destructive. It sent everything flying back. Everything...gone...everyone...I then looked to my side but didn't see my father's corpse. I then released a tornado to find him as I walked towards Pain.

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