Great Betrayal

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​​​​​​​" Sasuke!!! Are you gonna run off again?! " naruto asked

" so it's you? Hopeless little knucklehead " Sasuke spoke

Dozo: Sasuke...

He stared at me for a second

Sasuke: " you....stay out of this, this is a matter between me and Naruto. Leave me alone. "

"This isn't a matter between you and Naruto! This is a matter of the team 7! Why're you being such an idiot an a loser?! I hated you before but now...after lost the little respect I had for you!"

Sasuke: I don't care what you see me as. I no longer am your comrade. Nor am I apart of the team 7. you don't exist to me anymore ."

​​​​​I stared at him with a shocked expression...I didn't know why....but my heart just shattered heating that...

Naruto: hey! Don't speak to her like that!

Sasuke: I will speak to her as I like, it's none of your business.

Naruto: damn you!!!

Dozo: it is his is our business...we're your friends...and friends look out for each other...and you're falling deep in the're out of your senses...

Sasuke: us friends? Don't make me laugh, we were never friends. I have always hated you 2. You 2 had always gotten on my nerves. You 2 aren't my friends. I have nothing to do with you anymore... I am done playing ninja with you kids, just go away...this is my business and mine alone... I've never thought of you as anything, you were and are, and always will be nothing to me, you're just an extra after have no room to speak. All you were, were a burden!

those words hurt, Sasuke was never this rude to me, sure he got mad a few times but he never went this far, i had tears forming in my eyes, hearing the words from HIM pained more than anything. I didn't want to cry...but I did...and I couldn't stop...

Dozo: could I ever always hated me...and I always hated you.... Yeah...we were never friends...we only got in each other's nerves...and yes...i am an extra...I have no room to speak...

(I mumbled with my eyes slightly opens and tears continuously dropping. My face did not show any sadness though, only tears. I did my best to hide...)

naruto grabbed his fist and went straight ahead, punching sasuke in the face

" do not speak of Dozo like that! Just because she's listening doesn't mean I will too! You've always been a jerk Sasuke, to me, to Dozo, to Sakura, but now you've taken it way to far! Dozo is not an extra and she isn't a stranger to you, you cared for her more than ever! Don't you remember?! " naruto asked

" no...I don't " sasuke answered

" how can you be so cruel sasuke!? Everyone risked their lives just to save you just for you to act like this! " - Naruto

Sasuke: " I didn't ask them to risk their lives for me now did I? "

Dozo: " leave that Naruto, our only goal is to bring him home, nothing more, nothing less..."

" I will not be coming, and you can't force me, I'm heading straight for orochimaru...I've learnt that playing ninja with you 2 will make me nothing but weaker " - Sasuke

" OROCHIMARU!? he killed the 3rd hokage! And did everything he could to destroy the leaf village! Whatever you're expecting from him, you think he's giving it for free?! All he wants is to use your body like a new sheets of clothes! And nothing of you left, you think I'll just stand by and watch you ruin your live?! " - Naruto

" none of that matters now, the only thing that matters to me is achieving my goals, if you insist in getting on my way....well....then it can't be helped  " - Sasuke

" well...if you aren't going to listen reason...then I'll have to do this by force if I have to" - naruto

sasuke the started chuckling

" what've you got to laugh about? " naruto asked

" i remember you laughing the last time we've met, remember how thrilled you were in the thought of beating me into a bloody pulp? Well what's wrong? Where's your smile now? " naruto asked

" just shut up, that's different, I've felt that way in first, but you were different back then. " - Naruto

Sasuke: you 2 always wanted a fight right? Well I'll give it to you 2 now! Let's go, I'll take both of you on!

" I didn't mean- I never really wanted that fight, even now- I still don't- " - Naruto

" I couldn't give a damn of what you want " he then started lifting naruto up, grabbing his throat

Dozo: " Sasuke what're you doing - "

*no answer*

I gritted my teeth and kicked him away, releasing Naruto from his grasp.

Dozo: ​​​​​​​" are you mad?! That was your own ally there...Sasuke...what's wrong with you? "

" Wait your turn! " Sasuke said, producing chidori

​​​​​​​I gave a shocked reaction

​​​​​​​he came charging at me and attacked me with chidori, a blood dripped down my mouth, and a tear steamed down my cheeks as i fell in my knee

"Dozo!!! " naruto called, holding you in his arms


My only reaction was a shocked expression, it didn't take long before I collapsed

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