Healer gets healed!

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I was treating Sakura's wound while team 10 were fighting.

I placed bandage on the normal scars.

I gently rubbed cream on her wound. I then washed my hand and then gently place ointment on her wound.

Sakura: thanks Dozo

I nodded. I then went to Lee and began to treat him

Lee: th-thanks Dozo...

I shook my head

Dozo: I should be thanking you instead...thank you...lee
At the end...the 3 were incapable of defeating them

Neji: " hah! That's pretty tough talk, I guess that makes your village 3rd rate, I wonder if any of you armatures are ready to take on the real thing! "

" lee " Tenten called, worried

" you blew it! " neji said

" heh! These genins keep on popping out of the woods like cockroaches " Dosu said

" it seems to me that someone used our teammate as a punching bag...no one does that and gets away with it! " neji yelled, unlocking byakugan

" no more playing around Tenten, full power! " neji said

" what's the matter? Neji? " Tenten asked

" well? Are you going to stay up there all day? Or are you going to get up and do something about it? " Dosu asked

" actually, it looks like t might've been taken out of my hands " neji said

" huh? " I asked, i looked everywhere and saw Sasuke, this purple chakra was coming out of him

" Sasuke.... " I mumbled

the mark is showing it's true powers...

" sakura....Dozo...who did this to you? Who was it? " Sasuke asked

I was afraid of his chakra...it was so strong...it didn't feel right, it didn't feel like sasuke, it felt as if it was completely different person, that wasn't sasuke, not the sasuke I knew.

" Sasuke- wh-what's happening? " sakura asked

" don't worry...I'm alright, it's only the powers flowing through me, in fact, I've never felt better, he gave me this gift, and he made me understand what I am... I'm an avenger. Go follow my path I must have power...at any price, even if it means to be consumed by evil. Sakura, Dozo, tell me, which one of these people did this to you? " Sasuke asked

" that'd be me " the sound ninja said

Sasuke as going on a rampage, he even broke the sound ninja's arm. He got so much darker, so much creepier, I couldn't handle it, I didn't like it, it startled me so much, it scared me, such powerful amount of chakra, such dangerous chakra, it wasn't even human

" it seems like you're the only one left...I hope you make it more interesting than your friend here " Sasuke said, going towards Dosu

sakura hugged Sasuke, trying to stop him...but...he was still...yea

" nooooooooooo stooooooooooop! Don't do it....stop....please " sakura begged

" its not working​​​​​​!" Tenten said

they looked at me

I stared back

Dozo: " what? "

" help! " they asked

Dozo: " what do you want me to do? "

" tell him to stop! " they yelled

I looked at Sasuke

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