Reality Hits

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Fatima: Zac stop can you please stop today.

Zac: Ti it's been 3 weeks, what's going on.

Fatima: Nothing I just don't feel like it.

Zac: Well I'm about to go to the bar. ( walks out the room )

Fatima: Oh so you leaving now.

Zac: Yes, I'm trying baby I really am. But I can't deal with you and this attitude today. You been distant for the past two weeks. You ain't saying what's going on. And I'm not about to fight to pull it out of you anymore.

Zac grabs his keys and leaves out the door. And Fatima calls his phone.

Fatima: Play with me if you want to Zac. You and that bitch will be dead.

Zac: Really so you think that's what I'm doing? You really think I'll do that to you?

Fatima: I'm just letting you know.

Zac: okay Ti.

Zac hangs the phone up.

Fatima: Let me fucking find out he fucking another bitch. I know something.

Fatima calls Angela.

Angela: Hello

Fatima: So tell me why Zac just stormed out of here.

Angela: What? What happened?

Fatima: He came in here kissing and hugging up on me. And I told him that I don't feel like that today.

Angela: That's not a reason to leave tho.

Fatima: He said I been having an attitude for the past two weeks.

Angela: Well have you?

Fatima: Maybe a lil.

Angela: Ti, what's going on?

Fatima: Nothing!

Angela: It gotta be something. Because for one you don't sound like yourself. It sounds like you on the verge of breaking down.

Fatima: I'm sorry, I gotta go.

Over at the bar

Zac phone rings and it's Fatima. He doesn't answer it.

Zac: yes can I get a shot of henny, and keep them coming.

Bartender: long day.

Zac: I don't want any questions, I just want you to pour me a shot of henny and keep them coming.

Bartender: okay whatever you say.

A hour went by and a girl came up to him.

Girl: Well hey sexy my name amber, what's your name?

Zac: married!!

Amber: I don't see a ring on your finger.

Zac: you don't have to see one. Now can you leave me be to drink in peace.

Amber: Well fuck you too.

Zac: whatever lady.

She leaves mad. It's now 2am and Zac is half drunk.

Bartender: Sir we can't serve you nothing else to drink.

Zac: fine, can I at least get some water?

Bartender: yes..

Zac: thank you.

Bartender: so you wanna tell me what's going on?

Zac: No, I'm good.

Bartender: Zac you and Bryan come in here all the time. And I've never seen you like this. So what's up.

Zac: look I'm good.

Bartender: okay then.

Zac leaves and goes to the park. His phone rings. It's Bryan.

Zac: hello

Bryan: Zac where are you?

Zac: Out. What's up.

Bryan: Fatima is what's up.

Zac: Fatima don't care about me.

Bryan: Zac I'm coming to you now.

Zac: whatever man.

They hang up and 20 mins later Bryan pulls up.

Bryan: Zac come on man what going on talk to me.

Zac: Honestly I don't know what's going on. I get off work and go home to my fiancé everyday. And for the pass two weeks, she been having an attitude like crazy. She doesn't want me touching, kissing, nor hugging on her.

Bryan: Well have you tried asking her what's going on?

Zac: yes, but she hit me with the same excuse.

Bryan: Zac don't be out here doing nothing stupid to fuck up what y'all got.

Zac: B as drunk as I am and no matter how horny I am right now, that is the last thing on my mind. I would never do no stupid shit like that. I love Fatima to much to fuck over on her. She's my everything and I just miss her. I miss us.

Bryan: Then bro go home to her. Sitting out here in this car drunk at 3 in the morning, isn't going to make matters any better. It's just going to make them worse.

Zac: I feel like she just need time to herself.

Bryan: Zac go home before I drag your drunk ass in the car and take you home myself.

Zac: Fine. I'll let you know when I make it.

Bryan: okay.

Zac leaves to go home. About 25 mins later he makes it back home. He pulls into the garage and walked in the house.

Fatima: So this is what we doing now Zac?

Zac: what you talking about?

Fatima: You coming home at 3 in the morning drunk asf.

Zac: I don't want to do this tonight. I just wanna go to sleep.

Fatima: So you not sleeping in our bed with me?

Zac: it's obvious you don't want to be touched so I'm sleeping down here tonight.

Fatima: Whatever Zac..

Zac goes into the guest room, showered and went to sleep. Fatima wakes up at 8 and walked downstairs to see where Zac was and he was gone.

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