Deep Conversation

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Fatima has woken up from her nap, so she gets up and walks downstairs where Zac was with the babies.

Zac: Hey baby. You sleep good?

Fatima: Yes it was a much needed nap.

Zac: You hungry?

Fatima: You cooked?

Zac: You know I did.

Fatima: I see the kids up.

Zac: Yea, they literally just woke up not to long ago. I've fed and changed them.

Fatima: okay I see you daddy..

Zac: I'm just doing my job as a father. You know, we in this together. Plus I gotta make sure wifey health is 💯

Zac fixed her plate

Fatima: Come sit, let's talk.

Zac: What's going on baby. What's on your mind?

Fatima: Lets talk about what happened.

Zac: About the whole health scary?

Fatima: Yes! What was going through your mind? And be honest with me.

Zac: To be honest with you, I was scared. And in that moment I felt helpless, because it wasn't anything that I could do. I literally watched my wife him birth to our beautiful baby boy, then became lifeless. I was heartbroken and became lost.

Fatima: That was something that I never wanted either one of us to ever experience. I know what it's like to watch someone you love become lifeless. I experienced it when I lost my grandmother. It's scary and like you said, I felt helpless. It wasn't anything that I could do.

Zac: I blamed myself, but mama reminded me that sometime things happen out of our control, and all we could do in that moment was pray. She had are pastor and church family to pray over you and everything.

Fatima: I might have been out but I heard bits and pieces of my surroundings.

Zac: The doctor said you probably could.

Fatima: Baby promise me something.

Zac: What's that?

Fatima: Promise me that you'll stop blaming yourself for the things that happens in life. Yes you have a past and yes you've made mistakes but baby this isn't you paying the price for those things. You're a good man so stop beating yourself up for things going wrong.

Zac: So you heard me talking to you?

Fatima: I heard enough to know that I want let to blame yourself for everything that happens. Baby you're human and I love you flaws and all. Have I every judge you or gave you a reason to judge yourself and or blame yourself for anything?

Zac: No you haven't baby.

Fatima: And I want start today, I'll never do that. Zac you're still that man that I fell in love with. And I want stop loving you for anything you've done in your past, that was before me. And I would hope that you wouldn't do the same. You've grown from those things, and have become a better man.

Zac: I know baby.

Fatima: And also the whole PPH situation, we're not dwelling on the possibilities. I know a God who sits high and looks low, and he has the final say. Baby we will have more kids. It's a scary situation yes, but God's able to turn something scary into something positive, and something beautiful.

Zac: I just love how positive you are, even in the midst of a storm.

Fatima: You wanna know why?

Zac: Why?

Fatima: Because I was taught to always be strong and trust God in the midst of everything that I face. We can't dwell on the impossibilities of the world. We gotta dwell on the person who created the world and the person who supply all our needs that's God.

Zac: And I've grown to do just that.

Fatima: Baby everything's going to be just fine. When I go back to the doctors we will get good results and reports.

Zac: Thank you for always being motivating, because when I feel discouraged you're always so encouraging.

Fatima: And baby I always will. No matter what may come our way, we will face it together. You're my husband and I am your wife and together we can get through anything but we can't do it without God.

Zac: I love you so much.

Fatima: I love you too baby.

Fatima phones rings..

Fatima: Hey mama

Anita: Hey baby. How are you?

Fatima: I'm doing good mama. Just sitting here talking to my husband.

Anita: He told you about your sister?

Fatima: Yes ma'am he did. I've also spoken with her.

Anita: She was worried sick about you.

Fatima: We had a conversation about everything, and I told her that I'm okay.

Anita: I'm glad you did. And you and Zac know y'all know how to make some beautiful babies.

Fatima: Well thank you. And I also wanted to thank you for helping out while I was in the hospital.

Anita: That's what mothers are for. Y'all know I got the both of you. And whenever y'all need a break or anything, y'all always got me.

Fatima: I know mama. And we really do appreciate you for real. We love you.

Anita: I love y'all too.

Fatima: Well I'm about to spend some quality time with my family and I will talk to you later.

Anita: Okay baby I love you.

Fatima; I love you too mama.

Fatima hangs up and went and played with Ava for a min and sat and talked to Zion.

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