I miss you

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It's been a couple of days and Zac is still at the hotel but he still makes sure that Fatima is okay.

Zac: B I miss her so much. I miss her laugh, I miss her smile, the way her nose wiggles when she's mad, I miss her scent, I miss her kiss, her hug, I miss everything about her.

Bryan: Then go home and talk to her. But sitting in this hotel room crying and depressed not going to change anything.

Over at the house

Fatima: Angela I miss him

Angela: then talk to him Ti

Fatima: He probably doesn't want to talk to me.

Angela: When the last night y'all spoke to each other?

Fatima: I mean he text me every morning and night. But talk talk, it's been a min. I haven't seen him in almost two weeks.

Angela: Fatima y'all need to talk before it gets worse.

Fatima: I don't even know where he's staying at.

Angela: I can ask Bryan.

Fatima: I don't know, he might not wanna see me.

Angela: it's only one way to find out.

Fatima: and what's that.

Angela: pull up on him.

Fatima: okay, it's a start I guess.

Angela: ima call Bryan and get the info.

Angela calls Bryan.

Bryan: hey what's going on. Everything's okay?

Angela: no, it's Fatima. Baby they need to talk. Where is he?

Bryan: I'll send the info over. Just let me know when you get it.

Angela: okay I will. Thank you

Bryan: you're welcome. I love you

Angela: I love you too. See you soon.

Bryan hangs up and sends the address to Angela.

Fatima: did you get it?

Angela: yes let's head there now.

Over at the hotel

Bryan: Zac, y'all going to be okay. It's just a test that y'all going through.

Zac: I hope so B, I really do.

Bryan: Well bro, ima head out. I'll talk to you later.

Zac: okay bro, I'm about to walk down to the bar in the lobby.

Bryan: Zac, drinking your emotions away not helping.

Zac: I just wanna drink and sleep. That's the only thing keeping me sane right now.

Bryan: Just be careful bro.

Zac: I will bro and I'll call you later.

Bryan leaves and Zac hops in the shower.

In the car with Fatima and Angela.

Angela: Ti, what happened when you went to Philly? Because I know you, and the same hurt that you're showing is the same hurt you had with Ian, so what happened?

Fatima: I ran into Ian and it reopened wounds I'm still healing from.

Angela: Fatima, Zac Isn't Ian.

Fatima: I know he isn't. But Angela that shit still hurts. Seeing him all I thought was. What if he leaves me like Ian did. What if I get pregnant and everything changes.

Angela: Fatima, sis in other to heal, baby you gotta face it. It's going to hurt. But Zac will understand if you just open up.

Fatima: You're right. And it's something that I'm learning to do. I don't want him to ever feel like I will give up on him.

Angela: well you gotta tell him how you feel. And what's going on. Be honest with him.

Fatima: I will..

Angela: talk to you later

30 mins later Angela drops Fatima off and she heads up to Zac's room. And as she was about to knock on the door he opens it.

Zac: Ti what are you doing her?

Fatima: Can we talk?

Zac: only on one condition.

Fatima: what's that?

Zac: You be honest.

Fatima: okay, I will.

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