Just Us

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It's been a week since Fatima's been released from the hospital. And he's been wanting anyone to come over. Just until she was back to her normal self.

Zac: Baby you okay? How are you feeling?

Fatima: I'm feeling better than I have been.

Zac: Well I got you a hot bath ran so you can relax.

Zac helps Fatima get up and walked her to the bathroom, and undresses her.

Zac: Now get in a relax.

Fatima: Wait, just hold me for a min.

She lays her head against is chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Zac: Baby you okay?

Fatima: yes, I just love listening to the sound of your heartbeat.

He held her for a min.

Zac: Now can you get in and relax. And when you get out I'll hold you in my arms.

Fatima: Promise

Zac: Yes baby I promise.

Fatima gets in and relaxes.

Zac had flowers delivered to the house. And he made her potato soup, with tea.
About 20mins later he goes to check on her.

Zac: you ready to get out?

Fatima: yes!

Zac: come on.

Zac helped her out and dries her off and she sits on the bed and he lotion her body down.

Fatima: Wow,

Zac: What baby.

Fatima: you just never cease to amaze me.

Zac: I told you I got you. For better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. Remember? So it's my job to take care of my wife.

Fatima: I remember.

Zac: So sit back and relax. And let daddy take care of you. ( kisses her )

Fatima: Yes daddy.

Zac goes down stairs to make her bowl of soup, and tea and got her flowers. And goes back upstairs.

Zac: I'm back baby. Here, I need you to eat.

Zac gives Fatima her food and she eats.

Fatima: I wanna see our family.

Zac: How are you feeling first? Because your health is most important to me.

Fatima: Baby I'm fine. I'm okay, I promise.

Zac: okay, and if that's the case I'll have them over tomorrow. Is that okay?

Fatima: yes, so that means I have you to myself for one more day.

Zac: I'm all yours baby.

Fatima finishes eating and they just sat and talked. And Zac takes the bowl and glass back downstairs clean it out, And goes back upstairs.

Fatima: Now What Mr.Taylor?

Zac: We lie down and watch a movie.

Fatima: what movie?

Zac: whatever you choose.

Fatima: Okay can you hold me?

Zac: yes I can.

Zac gets in the bed and he lie down behind her and they watch a movie. And he rubs her stomach.

Fatima: Baby this year I wanna do the holidays here. Have my auntie and cousins come down and we celebrate it together in one house.

Zac: That sounds like a plan.

Fatima: We always celebrate the holidays together. It was our own tradition every year.

Zac: Whatever makes you happy baby I'm here for it.

Fatima turns around and faced Zac.

Fatima: Baby what's wrong?

Zac: It's just that I'm happy that I met you and I now have a family to celebrate things like that with. Before you, I had nothing or no one.

Fatima: Baby look at me. Don't do that to yourself. Baby I got you. And as long as I'm around we'll celebrate everything. Ever holiday, birthday. No matter what, we'll do it together.

Zac: I don't know why I've been so emotional lately.

Fatima: And baby that's okay. Cry, hell I'll cry with you. Zac, baby I love you and I want you to always show your emotions no matter what it is. Because they matter, and more than anything, they matter to me. ( wipe away his tears )

Zac: I love you too. ( kisses her )

Zac talks to the baby.

Zac: hey daddy princess. How's daddy baby doing in there? It's getting closer and closer to the day we'll have our own lil family. I wanna tell you a story. It's a beautiful story about how the lost boy met the most beautiful girl in the world. But she was also lost. So they became friends and they talk about everything and they fixed each other and made each other whole again. And one day they fell in love and they realized that they couldn't live without each other so they got married and found out that they were going to be parents. And they became more and more in love and they lived happily ever after. Mommy and daddy loves you princess and we want you to keep growing just a lil while longer so that you can be healthy and strong and the story can continue. Goodnight daddy's princess. ( kisses her stomach )

Fatima: I hope you know you got her spoiled. She be kicking her ass off when you be talking to her.

Zac: and that's what I want. I want her to know my voice.

Fatima: and she's definitely going to know it.

Zac: yours too. So you ready to sing us to sleep Mrs.Taylor.

Fatima: Lay down daddy.

Zac lays his head on her stomach. And Fatima sings to them. And they falls asleep.

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