Lunch Date

617 32 3

Fatima makes it to where she's meeting up with the ladies. She calls Zac.

Zac: Hey baby

Fatima: Calling you to let you know that I made it to the restaurant. I'm just waiting on the ladies?

Zac: What else y'all got up for today?

Fatima: I don't know, might do a lil shopping or something.

Zac: That sounds good.

Fatima: What about you?

Zac: I'm not sure, you know we'll find something to get into.

Fatima: Yea I'm already knowing.

Zac: Did they say how long they'll be?

Fatima: Nah but they should be pulling up anytime now.

Zac: Okay then.

Fatima: I was thinking we should have everybody over for Sunday dinner.

Zac: That sounds like a plan.

Fatima: Also, invite Danni and Preston over as well.

Zac: Okay then. I don't know what she's doing, but I'm sure they wouldn't mine.

Fatima: check with her and see.

Zac: I will baby. I'll call her on my way out.

Fatima: Okay baby, well I see Aisha and Andi just pulled up so ima get off this phone and head in.

Zac: Okay baby. Well you enjoy your day baby and I will see you when you get home. I'm headed out and meet up with the guys.

Fatima: Well baby I love you and see you later.

Zac: Okay baby and I love you more.

They hang up and Fatima gets out the car, grabs Ava and headed into the restaurant.

Aisha: Hey sis,

Fatima: Hey my sisters.

Andi: Hey Ti.

Fatima: How my babies doing?

Andi: They doing good.

Fatima: That's what I like to hear.

Aisha: Y'all ready to head in?

Fatima: Yes, Angela should be pulling up soon.

Aisha: her ass always the last one.

Fatima: She get off that man dick, she want be.

They all laughed and walked into the restaurant.

Greeter: how many?

Fatima: it's us and one more.

Greeter: okay right this way.

They got seated and waited for Angela. 10 mins later she walks through the door.

Aisha: There her ass go.

Fatima: Well welcome. Good of you to join us.

Angela: My bad sis. Traffic was backed up.

Fatima: Well we haven't ordered yet so you good.

The waitress comes back.

Waitress: Y'all ready to order.

Fatima: Yes, I would like the steak well done, shrimp, with a sweet potato, and asparagus. And can I get your red wine and a water with lemon.

Everybody order their food.

Andi: So Ti, heave you decided what you going to do for Zac birthday.

Fatima: Girl yes, do you know how long I've been playing this day. He went all the way out for my birthday and I gotta go all out for he's.

Andi: I heard that.

Fatima: I know I say this a lot, but I love tf out that man.

Aisha: We definitely know that. And he loves tf out of you.

Fatima: So y'all he's mom called the other day when y'all all were over by the house. That's why y'all seen him mood changed.

Andi: What she wanted?

Fatima: Money.

Andi: Ti, shes horrible.

Fatima: He already know how I am. And I'm ready for war  against anybody.

Andi: I already know.

Fatima: My heart breaks for him. Because I know he's trying his best to be strong and not break in front of me and Ava. I don't know what else to do but show him that I'm here.

Aisha: That's all you can do.

Fatima: I told him that he needs to have that conversation with her so that he can get the closure that he needs.

Andi: You told him right. He definitely needs it.

The waitress comes back with their food. And they just sat, talked, and ate. 45 mins later they were done eating.

Fatima: That was good, I can use a nap now.

Aisha: Who you telling.

Fatima: I would say let's go shopping but I'm sleepy now.

Aisha: We can make plans to go another day.

Angela: Sounds perfect to me.

Andi: Yes I'm ready to lay down now.

Fatima: Okay, well lets do it.

Andi: Okay, well y'all drive safe and let me know when y'all get home.

Fatima: Okay, sis. I love y'all.

Aisha: we love you too.

They left and headed home. 45 mins later, Fatima makes it home.

Fatima: Well baby girl it's just you and I until daddy gets home.

Fatima goes inside the house and went upstairs and got undressed and laid in the bed with Ava and took a nap.  About 3 hours later Zac makes it back home.

Zac: Look at my babies.

Fatima: Hey baby, how was your day.

Zac: My day was good. I see y'all enjoyed yourself as well.

Fatima: We had lunch and came home and went to sleep. I was so tired.

Zac: I see, well what do you want for dinner?

Fatima: I want some wings and pizza.

Zac: Okay, I'm about to order it.

Fatima: Okay baby.

Zac order the food and 30 mins later it arrived and they sat in the living room and ate and watched tv. About 3 hours later they put Ava to bed. Got in the shower, did their nightly routine and got in the bed.

Zac: Goodnight baby, I love you.

Fatima: Goodnight baby I love you more.

She lye on his chest and they went to sleep.

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