The Aftermath

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The next day they get up showered, did their morning routine, got dressed and went to eat breakfast.

Fatima: Well good morning!

Andi: Good morning sis. How did you sleep.

Fatima: I slept peacefully.

Andi: Would y'all like some coffee?

Fatima: Yes, I would.

Fatima: So I know that nobody said anything when y'all came in last night. All I wanna know is, is everyone okay.

Zac: Knowing that you were able to sleep in peace last night with no worries, I'm okay.

Jordan: I second that.

Andi: We all was worried about you.

Fatima: I'm okay, it just took me back to that place of fear.

Jordan: I know sis, but it's okay now.

Fatima: I know, and thank you.

Jordan: We got you.

Fatima: Well we're going to head out. We gotta get Ava.

Jordan: We right behind you.

Fatima: Okay and I love y'all.

Andi: We love you too sis.

They picked up Ava from her moms and headed home. 30 mins later were back home. They got out the car and walked inside the house. They sat on the couch in silence for about 5 mins.

Fatima: Baby It's a beautiful day today. We should get out and do something with the family.

Zac: That sounds like a good idea.

Fatima: I'ma text everybody and see what's up.

Zac: Okay, well whatever everybody decides, is alright with me.

Fatima: Baby,

Zac: Yes, my queen?

Fatima: Are you okay?

Zac: Yes baby I'm good.

Fatima: You sure?

Zac: I promise I'm okay. I'm just thinking about all the things we've endured in our life, it's tough. And it's a lot for anybody.

Fatima: It is, but baby we're stronger because of them. And I feel as do, if we never went through those things we wouldn't know how to be strong for each other in times when we need each other the most.

Zac: Baby I don't ever wanna see you in the state that you were in yesterday. Seeing you like that nearly broke me. Like I literally couldn't breathe. But I had to hold it together for you.

Fatima: I know baby and I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I never wanted you to see me like that. It's a state that I don't want nobody to see me in.

Zac: Baby you have nothing to be sorry about. But do wanna talk about what was going through your mind.

Fatima: Zac I don't ever wanna feel like I did yesterday, I felt outside my body. It's like I was pulled out of my safe place and back into that danger and dark place that I was in, I was lost. And even in you, in that moment I didn't even know how to feel safe. I know that you love me and would never hurt me, but I was back in fear fighting for my life.

Zac: Well you're safe now baby. And I promise that I will do everything in my power to protect you and for you not to ever feel like that again. You're safe with me baby and always will be. And I will kill for you again if I have too. Because you are my life and my forevermore. Without you and our baby girl, I'm lifeless. I would rather do a life searching than, to live without to of the most important people to me.

Fatima: And I'll do the same for y'all.

Zac: I love you so baby.

Fatima: I baby I love you so much more. And thank you for being what I needed you to be in that moment.

Zac: You're welcome baby. I always got you, just like you always got me.

Fatima: Forever

Zac: And forevermore

Fatima: So are trip coming up. Are you ready for it?

Zac: Yes I am. And now nobody's pregnant, so we really get to turn up.

Fatima: Well at least we hope not. I know I'm not pregnant so I ain't got nun to worry about.

Zac: You sure about that. You have been a bit emotional lately.

Fatima: I'm positive that I'm not pregnant.

Zac: Let's find out.

Fatima: What do you mean?

Zac: Take a test.

Fatima: We really doing this?

Zac: Hell yea!! because if you're not, by time vacation is over, you will be.

Fatima: You just want me to be pregnant, don't you?

Zac: I mean you was sexy carrying Ava.

Fatima: Fine if I take this test and if it's negative you owe me a whole day of getting pamper.

Zac: And if it's positive?

Fatima: You get the same.

Zac: okay it's a deal.

Fatima: I know ima win so I have nothing to worry about.

Zac: We shall see.

They went upstairs into the bathroom and she got the test and went into the bathroom and took it.

Fatima: We gotta wait 10 mins. But in the meantime, let's sit and talk.

Zac: okay!

Fatima: Are you ready for another baby?

Zac: Honestly I am. I been ready.

Fatima: Ava not even 1 yet

Zac: I know baby, I just want a big family.

Fatima: And that's okay. But don't you think it's a lil too soon. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant with your baby. But it's a lot when I'm just getting back into work. And working on these cases is already taking a lot out of me. Not saying work is more important. It's just we're just getting back started and running.

Zac: I guess you have a point.

Fatima: And whatever it says, you'll be okay with it?

Zac: I have no other choice but to be.

Fatima: Well let's see what it says.

15 minutes passed by and she went back into the bathroom and looked at the test.

Zac: Well what does it say?

Fatima: Not pregnant.

Zac got teary eyed. And Fatima walked up to him.

Fatima: ( Wiped his tears away ) Baby look at me, I love you and I would love having another baby. But right now isn't the right time. Yes we're stable and doing well but we just really started back working.

Zac: Okay, you're right.

Fatima: Zac look at me. After Ava turns one and starts walking, then we'll sit down and talk about having another baby. But until then, let's just enjoy her, because she's not going to be lil forever.

Zac: Okay, we can do that. But what happens if we get pregnant before that time?

Fatima: Then it was Gods plan.

Zac: I love you.

Fatima: And I love you so much more. Now let's go enjoy ourselves out with the family.

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