Good Vibes

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It's been A week since Zac and Fatima's wedding and since they found out that they were pregnant. They are having everybody over for dinner.

Anita: How are you feeling baby.

Fatima: I'm feeling better just been nauseous.

Anita: well that comes with being pregnant. But It's good to see you doing better.

Angela: Girl I can't believe you're have a baby. Girl you had everybody scared, Especially Zac. I thought we were going to have to carry both of y'all out on a stretcher.

Fatima: Leave my baby alone.

Zac: Hell I was worried. I didn't know what to do.

Anita: Angela leave my son alone. He did good.

Angela: So how's everything been? Was y'all able to reschedule your honeymoon?

Fatima: yes we were. We leave next week.

Angela: Okay then.

Fatima: I can't wait to NVM.

Angela: See that's why you with child now.

Fatima: Facts.

Over in the living room.

Jordan: So Andi why are you single? And don't tell me the same bullshit ass excuse. Talking about "I just haven't met the right one"

Andi: I mean to be honest with you. It has a lot to do with me and the type of men I choose. I want something real but I always go the opposite direction of what I want.

Jordan: And what is it that Andi wants?

Andi: Someone that can love me through it all. I mean a lot of times men are so focused on themselves when it comes to pleasure and pleasing a woman and I'm not just talking about sexual. But I want a man that knows my body without me having to tell him or show him. Someone to make love to my mind. Someone that knows my every emotion. For example look at Zac and Fatima. They know each other's love languages just as well as body languages. They connect on a deeper level than just physical.

Jordan: That's deep and that's something to take into consideration. And you're right. Most men don't know how to connect on that level because they main focus is on getting there's and be done. I don't need a woman that have to train me because if that was that then she doesn't need me. And it's hard to connect with someone on a level of intimacy without it being physical.

Andi: And what is it that you want?

Jordan: I want someone that can love me for my flaws and past my mistakes. Now and days woman are quick to run when things get hard. I want somebody that's going to love me for me and not for what I can bring. Love is giving. It's one of the greatest gift ever. Because God is first love. We can gain everything in the world today and lose it in the same breath. But we can't lose love. Because love is giving to us everyday.

Andi: that's deep.

Fatima walks over

Fatima: what y'all over her talking about?

Jordan: hey sis, we just talking about love, intimacy, life, etc.

Fatima: Well y'all continue to have y'all conversations, I want intervene.

Jordan: nah sis you good come join us.

Fatima: it's okay. I'm about to go talk to Aisha.

Fatima go talk to Aisha:

Aisha: hey sis, you good?

Fatima: Yes I'm good. I just came over here to check in with you. How's everything going with you and Mike?

Aisha: Everything's good. And we've been going to counseling like you've suggested. And it helps.

Fatima: Zac and I still go twice a week. It's very helpful. We go together and apart.

Aisha: ima have to schedule a separate one. Just to deal with and tackle my own emotions.

Fatima: what's going on?

Aisha: Just a lot of things I'm trying to figure out for me.

Fatima: That's understandable.

Aisha: hey lil one in there I just want you to know that you have some amazing parents. And you're going to be loved by so many people. So keep growing and keep being good for mommy.

Fatima: I can't wait to meet my baby.

Aisha: what are y'all hoping for?

Fatima: It doesn't matter, just a healthy baby.

Aisha: y'all going to make great parents.

Fatima: aww thank you sis. And you're going to make an amazing auntie.

Aisha: I love you sis.

Fatima: and I love you more baby.

They hugged and Fatima walks over to Zac.

Zac: hey baby, you good?

Fatima: yes, I was just coming to check on you. And to tell you I love you.

Zac: I'm good baby and I love you more.

Fatima: well I'm about to go back in the house.

Zac: okay baby. ( they kissed )

Fatima goes back in the house and sat with Andi and Jordan.

Fatima: So I've walked around and talked to everybody and y'all still in here chatting it up. Yallymust be have a good conversation.

Jordan: Andi is a vide.

Fatima: That's my boss now.

Jordan: lol, it ain't even like that. It's more mental than physical.

Fatima: I see. I got my eyes on you two..

Time passed by and everybody has left.

Zac: you good baby?

Fatima: yes, just tired. But this was a vibe. But ima have to keep my eye on Jordan and Andi.

Zac: Yea I saw that.

Fatima: well let's get upstairs and lay down.

Zac: you need anything?

Fatima: Just my husband to hold me.

Zac: I can definitely do that wifey.

They go upstairs and got in the bed.

Fatima: Goodnight baby, I love you.

Zac: goodnight baby and I love you more.

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