Before The Arrival

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Zac and Fatima's up washing baby Ava clothes and getting everything ready for her arrival.

Zac: Damn time has flown by so fast. Seems like it was just yesterday when we found out you were pregnant.

Fatima: I know right. And it was on our wedding day.

Zac: I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was so scared that I was going to lose you. And I don't think I would have been able to live without you. I would've died right there with you.

Fatima: Baby don't talk like that. I told you that I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you until we're old and grey and even after that.

Zac: What else do we need to get?

Fatima: We pretty much got everything we need.

Zac: And about the old house, I think we should give it to Jordan and Andi since they have a lil one coming as well. Plus it's more space. Everybody else already have big houses.

Fatima: I think that would be nice.

Zac: I want to have everybody over before she gets her.

Fatima: So when do you want that to be?

Zac: Probably Friday after we come back from the doctor.

Fatima: let's make it Saturday. So that we can have a full day and everything together.

Zac: Sounds good to me.

Fatima: We gotta get the hospital bag ready and put it in the car along with her car seat.

Zac: On it.

Fatima: Well I think that's all.

Zac: You sure.

Fatima: yes.

Zac: okay then.

Fatima: Wow, we're really about to be parents.

Zac: I know right. It gets realer and realer each day that passes.

Fatima: All I wanna know is, What we bout to eat because mommy hungry.

Zac: For what?

Fatima: For food and for you.

Zac: Oh I can definitely give you both.

Fatima: And I'll save you dessert for later tonight.

Zac: Horny ass.

Fatima: Hormones baby. Plus we better get it in now. Because baby girl just might come early.

Zac: Facts.

Fatima: let's go get some food.

Zac and Fatima went and got some food. And ran into Angela and Bryan.

Angela: Well look at the happy couple.

Fatima: What's up sis. Hey bro.

Angela: girl nothing out getting food. What y'all doing out.

Fatima: Same. We finished up everything so it can be in order when the baby comes.

Angela: She'll be here before you know it.

Fatima: Girl time has flown by so fast.

Angela: Yes it has.

Fatima: Well sis ima talk to you later.

Angela: okay, y'all get back home safe.

Fatima: okay sis you too.

Zac and Fatima headed home.

Zac: Baby You wanna shower first?

Fatima: We can do that.

Zac: aight bet.

15 mins later, they make it home and go into the house.

Fatima: I changed my mind, I wanna eat then have dessert then take a shower.

Zac: Baby it's however and whenever you want.

Fatima: then let's eat.

They sat and ate 30 minutes later they went upstairs

1 hour 1/2 later.

Fatima: Now if she comes early, I blame you. Because you did not have to fuck me that good.

Zac: You asked for it. So I gave you what you wanted.

Fatima: I plead the fifth.

Zac: Let's go get in the shower.

They go get in the shower. 30 mins later they get out drys off and get in the bed.

Zac: Baby you good?

Fatima: Yes baby I'm good.

Zac: Hey daddy princess. How's daddy baby doing in there? Friday's our last appointment until your arrival. And I'm counting down till the day I meet you. I'm so happy, because we finally get to me the girl that changed both mommy and daddy lives forever. I want you to know that you and mommy both will always be safe in daddy arms. Mommy and daddy loves you so much princess. Goodnight. ( kisses her stomach )

Fatima: Now can mommy get her goodnight kisses.

Zac: yes she can. ( kisses her )

Zac lays her head on her chest and she sings to him and the baby.

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