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Knock knock knock

Fatima: Come in.

Jasmine: Hey Ti, do you have a min.

Fatima: Sure, what's wrong?

Jasmine: I just want to talk to you for a moment.

Fatima: Okay, have a seat.

Jasmine took a seat

Fatima: Talk to me, what's going on?

Jasmine: Ti I really really like your

Fatima: I mean that's obviously.

Jasmine: I think I'm falling in love with him.

Fatima: You what?

Jasmine: I'm in love with him.

Fatima: Well have you told him how you feel?

Jasmine: No, I'm scared.

Fatima: Of what?

Jasmine: That he doesn't feel the same.

Fatima: What's the worst thing that could happen with telling him how you feel?

Jasmine: Him not pulling back.

Fatima: How will you know if you don't say anything? Not saying anything is worse then saying something.

Jasmine: When did you Fall in love with Zac?

Fatima: Well with Zac it was different. He and I got together 6 months of knowing each other. It wasn't any kind of sexual activity nor physical contact whatsoever. I fell in love with who he was as a whole. He didn't have much but he made the best out of what he had. He has always been so gentle, kind, loving, protective, etc, towards me. And he still is till this day. He work my nerves and pisses me off at times. But I love the fuck out of that man. And I'll go over and beyond just to see him happy.

Jasmine: So it was like love at first sight?

Fatima: You can say that. After he finally took the courage of asking me to be his girl, he told me he loved me the next day. And although I was already in love with him, He told me he loved me first.

Jasmine: Y'all have something special.

Fatima: I mean we do, but we're also not perfect nor have a perfect relationship or marriage. We just keep folks out our marriage and deal with our problems amongst us. And we go to counseling.

Jasmine: I think it's important to do that.

Fatima: It is. You're going to have ups and downs in your relationship/marriage just as you're going to have ups and downs in anything. But it's about the fight and y'all coming together and communicating.

Jasmine: You're so wise.

Fatima: It took a lot of going through, letting go and healing, to get to the place I am today.  Because before we got married, it was a point that I almost lost him. Not because of cheating or anything. But because I shut him out and nearly pushed him away.

Jasmine: I can understand that. And I don't want to push Darius away.

Fatima: Then tell him how you feel. You want know how he feels unless you say something. It's obvious that y'all both love and care about each other.

Jasmine: You're right, and I will.

Fatima: You don't say much, but what's your story? I mean from what I've seen, you're a very sweet person and you're so observant.

Jasmine: I'm just trying to make it the best that I know how.

Fatima: What you mean?

Jasmine: Well about a couple years ago I lost my dad to murder. Now my mom is in the hospital, and it's getting difficult trying to pay for her hospital bills and paying for college tuition too. I make enough money, but not enough to do both, so my next step is dropping out of school so that I can have the money to pay for her hospital bills.

When Love Calls Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon