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Fatima is at work. Andi took a sick day, because her and the girls were sick.

Fatima: Jasmine can you come to my office please?

Jasmine: sure.

Jasmine came to Fatima's office.

Fatima: Have a seat?

Jasmine: Everything's okay?

Fatima: Yes, I just wanted to talk to you.

Jasmine: Okay, what's going on?

Fatima: First off, how's everything been with your mom?

Jasmine: She's getting better.

Fatima: That's good. I'm glad she's doing better.

Jasmine: Thanks to you, I'm able to stay in school and still help with my mom hospital bills. I really appreciate all you've done for me.

Fatima: Jas it's the least I could do. And I'm always here, so never be too afraid to ask for help. I know times can be hard but that's what we're here for.

Jasmine: I know. I just don't like asking people for help.

Fatima: I know you don't. But it's nothing wrong with asking for help.

Jasmine: Well I appreciate that.

Fatima: And you're welcome. So how's school?

Jasmine: School is good.

Fatima: That's good. I'm happy to hear that.

Jasmine: It can be stressful but I got it.

Fatima: Yes you do. Always gotta believe that you can, before anybody else.

Jasmine: You definitely right about that.

Fatima: How're things going with you and Darius?

Jasmine: Everything's good. He's been really supportive.

Fatima: That's what I like to hear.

Jasmine: And how're you and the family?

Fatima: We're good also. This boy kicking my ass but, I love it. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Jasmine: Aww, you and Zac are amazing parents. And y'all have a beautiful family

Fatima: Well thank you. We try our best to be great parents. And give our babies a better life than the one we had.

Jasmine: Is Andi in today? I didn't see her?

Fatima: No, she took a sick day. The babies are slick.

Jasmine: Aww poor babies, We'll send them my love.

Fatima: I sure will.

Jasmine: Well I will let you get back to work. You have a great rest of your day.

Fatima: You too Jas.

Jasmine leaves and Fatima get back to looking over her cases. About a hour later she gets a delivery.

Jasmine: Ti, You have a delivery

Jasmine:  Ti, You have a delivery

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