Losing Battle

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It's the next morning and Fatima and Zac are headed to the airport.

Zac: You think he going to show up?

Fatima: If he doesn't then at least I tried.

Zac: And that's all that matters baby.

They make it to the airport, it's now 4:30am

Fatima: Baby when we get back home. I don't wanna be bothered by nobody. I just wanna stay in the house with just you and our baby girl. No phones, no nothing.

Zac: If that's what you need then baby I got you.

Fatima: I appreciate you for always making sure that I'm okay and for even taking the initial steps to come here with me. Thank you for always putting me first.

Zac: Baby you don't have to ever thank me for doing my job. It's always my priority to make sure both you and our baby girl are good. Just like you always make sure we're good.

Fatima: I know baby I just want you to know that I'm appreciative of everything you do.

Zac: I know baby and I'm appreciative of you as well.

She called Angela to let her know that they were leaving heading back home.

Angela: Hello

Fatima: hey sis I was just calling to let you know that we were leaving out.

Angela: Okay sis. Thanks for letting me know. Y'all have a safe flight and call me when y'all land.

Fatima: Okay, I sure will.

Angela: I Love you and talk to you later.

Fatima: I love you too sis.

They hang up and they sat and waited. 5 o'clock came and It was time for them to catch their flight.

Fatima: Well baby it's time.

Zac: I got you. It's going to be okay. ( grabs her hand )

They get on their fight and waited for everybody to get seated. Shortly after they were taking off, heading back to Atlanta.

Fatima: Well I guess it is what it is.

Zac: He gonna realize it one day. Sometimes you just gotta let people learn the hard way.

Fatima: You definitely right about that.

Zac: We definitely need a couple days to ourselves.

Fatima: Tell me about it. I just wanna crawl up in my bed with my daughter and husband.

Zac: And that's exactly what we going to do.

Fatima: I love you so much. You just don't know.

Zac: And I love you more baby.

Fatima lay her head on his shoulder and Ava was laying asleep on his chest. 2 hours later they make it back to Atlanta. They get their bags and put them in the car and headed home. 30 mins later, they make it back home.

Fatima: Home sweet home.

Zac: It feels good to be home.

Fatima: I gotta make one call and that's to mama.

Zac: Do what you got to do baby.

Fatima calls her mom.

Anita: Hello

Fatima: Hey mama. Was you sleeping?

Anita: No baby I was up. What's wrong.

Fatima: I wanted to call and let you know that, Mama Brenda is doing better. She woke up.

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