3Months Check Up

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Zac and Fatima are at their 3 months check up. And Hopefully they found out the gender of the baby.

Medical Assistant: Mrs.Taylor

Fatima: yes

Medical Assistant: Right this way.

Fatima walks back to be examined

Medical Assistant: Someone will be with you shortly.

5 mins later

Nurse walks in

Nurse: Hey Mrs.Taylor how are you doing today.

Fatima: I'm doing good. And yourself.

Nurse: I'm doing Pretty good myself.

Fatima: that's good.

The nurse checks Fatima vital signs.

Nurse: All your vital signs are good. The doctor will be with you shortly.

The nurse leaves out.

Fatima: Baby let me ask you something.

Zac: Whats up baby, talk to me.

Fatima: Did you ever imagine yourself being a dad?

Zac: To be honest with you I didn't. Hell I never even imagined myself being a husband. But you came into my life and switched everything up.

Fatima: I always dreamed of being a wife, mom, and just having a family of my own. But I didn't imagine going through what I went through, to get to this moment right now.

Zac: Well baby we're here now and that's all that matters.

Fatima: You take my breath away with the man that you are. And I don't know how much deeper in love I can fall, before I completely run out of air.

Zac: These very moments like this is the reason I chose love.

Fatima: No baby love chose you.

Doctor walks in.

Doctor: Good afternoon Mrs.Taylor how are we feeling today?

Fatima: I'm feeling wonderful.

Doctor: That's what I like to hear. So let's get this baby checked out.

Doctor checks the baby

Zac: OMG, this is like the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life. There's literally life growing inside of you.

Fatima: And she or he will forever be apart of us.

Doctor: Baby is growing healthy and strong.

Fatima: That's what we wanna hear.

Doctor: Would you like to know gender

Fatima: Yes but can you put it in an envelope. We wanted to wait to we get home to share this moment together.

Doctor: That's fine with me. And we'll get you up and ready to go. And I'll see you back in 3 weeks.

Fatima: Thank you Dr.Stevens

Doctor: You're welcome.

Doctor leaves out. And Fatima gets dressed and leaves to check out.

Receptionist: He wants to see you back in 3 weeks. You want same time?

Fatima: yes.

Receptionist: Well here you go Mrs.Taylor, congratulations and you guys enjoy the rest of your day.

Zac and Fatima leaves the doctor.

Fatima: Wow, inside this envelope is the gender of our baby.

Zac: Well let's get home and find out.

Fatima: Let's go!!

They get into the car and headed home. 30 mins later they get home and showered, cooked and got settled.

Zac: So what we will do is. sit down, have dinner and talk. Then we will open it and see.

Fatima: Okay.

Zac: Well let's eat.

They sat down and had dinner.

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