What Happened?

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Aisha: What you mean?

Fatima: You have something you want to tell me?

Flashback at the dinner

Aisha and Faith just finished dinner, now they're sitting in the living room talking.

Faith: Fatima and Zac are some super freaks, like they just don't have no care in the world.

Aisha: None what's so ever.

Faith: I love their love tho, it's beautiful to watch.

Aisha: Faith can I ask you something?

Faith: You can ask me anything.

Aisha: Why are you single? I mean you're beautiful, strong, smart, educated, successful, like what happened?

Faith: You want the truth?

Aisha: We're not in therapy, we're two people having a conversation.

Faith: I've been in love once, and even almost married.

Aisha: What happened?

Faith: I caught him cheating in our bed with another woman.

Aisha: Wow, what did you do?

Faith: Nothing, I realized that me fighting him wasn't worth me losing my sanity, when I got a better reward out of just walking away. Although I wanted to build the house down with Boffum in that bitch but it just wasn't worth it.

Aisha: Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you.

Faith: It's life, it happens.

Aisha: Well whoever he was, was a fool to let you get away.

They locked eyes and got caught up in the moment, sharing an intimate kiss. Aisha pulls back.

Aisha: Wait a min

Faith: What's wrong.

Aisha: I should go.

Faith: Why?

Aisha: Faith our family is too close. This can't happen.

Faith: You're right, and I'm sorry.

Aisha: No, it's nothing to be sorry about. We got caught up in the moment, it happens. But it can't happen again.

Faith: You gonna let go of me as you therapist now?

Aisha: Why would I do that? We've gotten too far to let go now. You're the best and plus I don't trust anyone elseZ

Faith: Okay

Aisha: But I am about to head out. It's getting late, and need to get home.

Faith: Okay, well I guess I'll talk to you later then.

Aisha: I will call you when I get home.

Faith: Okay, you have a good night, and drive safe.

Aisha: You too. And thank you for dinner.

Faith: You're welcome.

Aisha leaves

Flashback over

Fatima: Umm hellooo!!

Aisha: My bad sis, Come in.

Fatima: Aisha what is it?

Aisha: It's nothing sis. Faith just came over to bring me food.

Fatima: Why didn't you just call me? And here I brought you food.

Aisha: I didn't call her, she just brought it.

Faith: Hey sis.

Fatima: Hey Faith.

Fatima: So sis, are you good?

Aisha: Yes sis I'm good.

Fatima: Well ima get home to my husband and babies, I will call you later.

Aisha: Okay sis.

Fatima: Aisha don't have me to pull up on you again. Because I will, answer that phone.

Aisha: Okay sister mama

Fatima: Don't play with me.

Aisha: Okay, I will answer the phone.

Fatima: I love you

Aisha: I love you too.

Fatima: Faith, I'll see you later.

Faith: Okay

Fatima leaves and headed home.

Fatima: She think I'm slow or something. Something's going on and ima find out what it is.

She calls her husband

Zac: Hey wifey

Fatima: Hey hubby, I was calling to let you know that I'm just leaving Aisha and I'm heading home now.

Zac: Okay baby, see you when you get here.

Fatima: Okay baby. I love you

Zac: I love you too.

They hang up and 15 mins later she makes it home and goes inside.

Fatima: Baby, I'm home.

Zac: Hey baby, ( kisses her )

Fatima: Where's the babies?

Zac: They literally just went to sleep.

Fatima: Okay then.

Zac: You good?

Fatima: Something strange happened today.

Zac: What?

Fatima: So you know Aisha and Mike signed the divorce papers today.

Zac: Yes

Fatima: Well Aisha and I got ready to go get lunch. And ran into Andi and Faith.

Zac: Okay, but what that got to do with anything.

Fatima: If you let me finish, I'll get to the point.

Zac: okay, I'm sorry, you can finish.

Fatima: Well when we ran into them, Andi suggested that the four of us go eat lunch together, Aisha whole body language changed.

Zac: What you think that was about?

Fatima: I'm not sure, but she didn't wanna go anymore. She said you started feeling sick. And guess what?

Zac: What?

Fatima: Faith said she had an emergency call. So she didn't go either. After Andi and I had lunch, me being the loving big sis that I am, I decided to pick up lunch and take it to Aisha. And lord beholds, when I got to her house, Faith was there when I got there.

Zac: What you think that's about?

Fatima: I don't know but ima find out.

Zac: Baby, maybe you readying to deep into it.

Fatima: Nah, I know my sister, like I know my children. And I know when she's hiding something. Her whole body language will tell it all.

Zac: What if it is something?

Fatima: Then it can't happen. Our family are too close for them to cross that line.

Zac: They're both grown tho.

Fatima: Grown has nothing to do with anything. And I can care less what either of them do with their lives. But crossing that line when Andi and I are like sisters, And they're both of our sisters. It's just something that they can't go back from

Zac: I didn't look at it that

Fatima: Exactly!!

Zac? Well whatever it is, I'll reveal itself.

Fatima: It always does.

They spent some time together until the kids woke up.

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