A Call From The Past

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3 hours went by Fatima wakes up and Goes downstairs.

Zac: Well hey sleepyhead. How did you sleep?

Fatima: I slept good and feel so much better.

Zac: That's good.

Fatima: Where's Ava?

Zac: Sleep

Fatima: How long she been sleep?

Zac: For like an hour now.

Fatima: You wanna watch a movie while she's asleep?

Zac: Sure, we can do that.

Fatima: Did anybody call me while I was sleep?

Zac: Mama did.

Fatima: You ready to go check on baby boy.

Zac: Yes I am.

Fatima: I'm ready to drop so we can start back traveling and celebrating.

Zac: Definitely ready to start back taking flights.

Fatima: The way I been feeling I think I'ma have to take maternity leave every.

Zac: We got what, let's then 4 months?

Fatima: Yes

Zac: if you feel like you have to then listen to your body baby.

Fatima: Ima talk to Andi. Ima probably work from home until I have the baby.

Zac: Well you have ima always hold it down so don't stress back. I got us.

Fatima: I know you do baby.

Zac: Oh and Ava was a lil warm. I'm not sure if she's getting sick or anything but we gotta keep an eyes on her.

Fatima: Yea Aisha mentioned that earlier. Well not her being warm but she said something about a child being sick at daycare today. So well give her some medicine when she wakes up just to be on the safe side.

Zac: Okay. Aisha good? She's seemed a bit stressed today?

Fatima: She good. She's just ready to get the building done so she can get things up and running.

Zac: How long she say it's going to be?

Fatima: She said another 2 weeks.

Zac: Dang. I can see why she stressed out.

Fatima: Tell me about it.

Zac: Well two weeks going to come by so fast.

Fatima: These days do be flying by.

Zac: You need anything?

Fatima: No, I just want you to hold me.

Zac: I can do that.

Fatima laid back in Zac's arms and the watched a movie together. Until Ava woke up.

Fatima: I got her baby

Fatima went upstairs to get Ava

Ava: Ma ma

Fatima: Hey mommy's baby girl. Let's get you downstairs do we can get you some medicine.

Fatima went back downstairs with Ava. She gave her some medicine and went and sat back on the couch.

Zac: She okay?

Fatima: Yes she's good.

Fatima phone rings

Fatima: Hello

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