Secret's Out

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4 weeks later, Zac and Fatima are at her 3 months appointment to check on the baby.

Dr.Stevens: Good morning Mrs.Taylor how are you.

Fatima: Good morning Dr.Steven's I'm doing well, and yourself?

Dr.Steven's: I'm doing well also!

Fatima: That's good to hear.

Dr.Steven's well let's get the lil one checked out.

Fatima: Let's do it.

The doctor does the ultrasound to see the growth of the baby and to see how baby is doing. Then he checks the heart beat.

Dr.Steven's: Well he is doing good. Growing strong and healthy.

Fatima: it's boy?

Dr.Steven's: I'm sorry did you not wanna know the sex?

Fatima: No it's fine. Thank you Dr.Steven's.

Dr.Steven's: You're welcome. And congratulations!! You can get dressed and we'll get your next appointment set up.

Dr.Stevens left out the room.

Zac: Baby we're having a boy. ( crying )

Fatima: I know baby. I can't believe it. ( Crying )

Zac: I got my baby girl now we're having a son.

Fatima: Right!! Now our family is complete. ( Crying )

Zac: Hey baby boy. Mommy and daddy loves you.

Fatima: This is amazing.

Zac: Let's get going and we can celebrate at home after work.

They get checked out and got their next appointment set up. Then left the doctor office. They got in the car and drove off.

Fatima: Baby you do know that we gotta announce that we're pregnant. Im only going to get bigger.

Zac: When do you want to do it?

Fatima: Let's do it when we go to Sunday dinner at mama house.

Zac: Okay then.

They got something to eat and Zac dropped Fatima back off at work.

Fatima: Bye baby I love you. See you when we get home. ( kisses him )

Zac: I love you too baby and please take it easy. ( kisses her )

Fatima: I will.

Fatima walked back into work and Zac drove off.

Jasmine: Hi Mrs.Taylor

Fatima: Hey Jasmine. Do I have any calls.

Jasmine: Yes, I left the message on your desk.

Fatima: Thank you. And by any chance, do you know if Andi's here.

Jasmine: Yes, She's in her office.

Fatima: Okay, Thank you.

Jasmine: You're welcome.

Fatima take her things to her office then went to Andi's office.

Fatima: I was just letting you know I'm back.

Andi: Ti come in and have a seat.

Fatima: What's up

Fatima sits down.

Andi: I fucking knew it!!

Fatima: Knew what? ( smiling )

Andi: So we playing that game?

Fatima: What you mean?

Andi: FATIMA!!

Fatima: Okay, it's true.. But we haven't announced it yet.

Andi: Awww!!! Congratulations!!

Fatima: We're so excited!!

Andi: Awww!!! Ava about to have a sibling.

Fatima: But guess what?

Andi: What?

Fatima: We know what we're having. But you'll find out Sunday when we go to Sunday dinner.

Andi: Awww, I'm happy for y'all.

Fatima: Thanks Andi.

Andi: Girl, I can't believe Ava about to be 1

Fatima: Right! Time has flown by so fast.

Andi: It really has.

Fatima: Before you know it, we're going to be walking them to class.

Andi: Tell me about it. I'm not ready for all that.

Fatima: Hell I'm definitely not ready. And that husband of mine said it's time for another one.

Andi: Bro said I'ma show you.

Fatima: Right! But I love it tho. Minus the morning sickness.

Andi: Hopefully it'll pass soon.

Fatima: Speaking of why the hell my husband ain't called me.  He was supposed to call me when he got back to work. Let me call him.

Fatima tries to call Zac but there's no answer. She calls again and there's still no answer.

Fatima: Let me call Bryan

Fatima calls Bryan

Bryan: Hello

Fatima: Bro is Zac around you?

Bryan: No I thought he was with you.

Fatima: He dropped me back off at work 30 mins ago.

Fatima gets another call.

Fatima: One second bro I don't know who this is

Bryan: okay

She clicks over.

Fatima: Hello

Hospital: Hello is this Mrs.Taylor?

Fatima: Yes, this is she.

Hospital: Mrs.Taylor I'm sorry to inform you, but your husband has been in a car accident.

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