Mama Bear

514 35 16

Zac: Hey baby, you good?

Fatima: Hey baby, yes I'm good.

Zac: Who was that?

Fatima: Aisha.

Zac: She gonna be okay?

Fatima: I hope so.

Zac: Maybe y'all should have a ladies day. No kids, no husbands, just y'all out doing whatever.

Fatima: That does sounds nice. But I think she just wanna be by herself right now.

Zac: Do you think that's a good idea?

Fatima: No, but I also don't wanna forced her to talk. She'll come around eventually.

Zac: Lastnight I just wanted to give her a hug. She looked so hurt and broken.

Fatima: Baby I love you but can we not talk about it. It just gives me flashbacks from my past.

Zac: I'm sorry baby. But baby, I'm not him and I'll never hurt you.

Fatima: Uh huh, you bet not, or else.

Zac: Or else what ( picking her up and playfully throwing her on the couch ticking her )

Fatima: Or else, this beautiful life you living will turn into your worse nightmare.

Zac: Oh I seen it.

Fatima: Nah you ain't seen nothing yet.

Zac: Whatever.. So what you wanna do today?

Fatima: I honestly just wanna relax here and enjoy my husband and babies.

Zac: Well it's just us then baby.

Fatima: And always will be.

Over at Jordan's and Andi's

Andi: Baby come sit and talk to me.

Jordan: What's going on baby?

Andi: About last night?

Jordan: Last night was crazy. And something I've never wanted for my sisters. I've always been so protective of them. They are my heart and I hate seeing them hurt.

Andi: I get that baby, and I love that you are. But sometimes you gotta let them live their lives. They want learn anything if you keep trying to protect them and come to their defense all the time.

Jordan: You right baby. And I apologize to you for allowing you to see me like that.

Andi: We got our own marriage to focus on. We got beautiful daughters to worry about. Aisha is grown, she got it. Now if he get crazy with her, that's were you step in at.

Jordan: Have you talk to your sister?

Andi: Yes, we suppose to be meeting for lunch. Ima call Ti, to see if she wanna join us.

Jordan: Okay then, that'll be nice.

Andi: But right now I just wanna spend time with my family.

Over at Aisha

Aisha: Ma I don't know what to do. I feel so   lost and broken.

Anita: It's going to be okay baby, pain is only temporary. And it doesn't last always, unless you give it the power to do so.

Aisha: You're right.

Anita: What went wrong?

Aisha: I won't put all blame on him because it takes two, so it's on the both of us. We just lost touch with each other, and stop communicating.

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