New Life

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Rewind back to the Taylor's

Jordan: Bro ima do it tonight when we get home. I can't wait another day without asking her to be my wife. I love her bro, I really do.

Zac: Then make it happen bro. Don't think about it, just do it. Nobody else opinion matters. All that matters is what you feel for her. And if you feel like you wanna take that step, then do it.

Jordan: I appreciate that bro.

Zac: No problem bro.

Fast forward to now

Andi and Jordan gets home. And she goes to the bathroom and Jordan is in the room on one knee, waiting on her to come out.

Andi: Andi you can do this.

Jordan: Jordan you can do this.

She washes her hands and open the door

Jordan: Will you marry me

Andi: I'm pregnant

Over at the Taylor's

Zac: This is what peace is to me. Just laying in bed holding my wife, listening to music, and talking. I wouldn't change this for anything in the world.

Fatima: I can definitely second that.

Zac: Baby, I remember one night laying on the grass in the park looking up at the sky. I saw an image of this woman. But I could never see her face, or hear her voice. She showed up every night. And everyday I couldn't wait until night came because I knew that I would see her. I had gotten so used to it that it became the best part of my day. Well one night I went back, and she wasn't there. And so I kept going back every night hoping she'll return, and she didn't, so I gave up. And maybe a month or so later, I saw that very same image, only this time I saw you.

Fatima: That was beautiful and heartfelt.

Zac: Well it was real. I felt like you were always in front of me, I was just trying to see the good in something else that I couldn't see you. But when I let go of it, I was able to see the clear image of you.

Fatima: Baby let's get out of here and go somewhere. I want to do it before Ava gets here. And before it gets too close to my due date. I just want to get away from everything and everybody and have some time with just the two of us.

Zac: When?

Fatima: Tomorrow!!

Zac: let's do it.

Over at Jordan's and Andi's

Jordan: you're pregnant ( crying )

Andi: Yes baby I'm pregnant. ( crying )

Jordan: When did you find out?

Andi: When I went to the doctor for my annual.

Jordan: Woww, so I'm going to be a dad?

Andi: Yes baby. You're going to be a dad.

Jordan: I'm so happy.

Andi: I'm happy too.

Jordan: You didn't answer me. Will you marry me?

Andi: Yes Baby I will marry you

Jordan gets up and he just held her.

Over at the Taylor's

Fatima: Goodnight baby, I love you.

Zac: Goodnight baby, I love you too ( kisses her )

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