Back Together Again

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It's 6am the next morning. And Fatima is still in Zac's embrace. She wakes up and looked up at him. And said a prayer

"Thank you Father God for such an amazing husband. I pray that you heal his wounded heart and trauma pass. Protect him Father God. Give him the strength and understanding that he needs to get through his darkest moments. Forgive him for any wrongs and mistakes that he may have committed. I pray that you be our strength when we don't know how to be strong. Continue to bless our marriage and our family. Thank you Father God for what you've already done. I pray that you continue to be our guidance and counselor. Thank you Father God. In your holy name I pray. Amen."

She kisses his lips. Got up and headed to the bathroom. She did her morning routine then cut the shower on allowing it to get hot like she like it. Pinned her hair up and got into the shower. Shortly after Zac wakes up and hears the shower and Fatima singing. So he gets up to go use the bathroom. She was so zoned out that she didn't even know that he had walked into the bathroom. He undresses himself and got in with her. And grab her by her waist pulling her back against him.

Fatima: Well good morning my King. Did I wake you?

Zac: Good morning my Queen. And no, I love waking up to the sound of your voice. How did you sleep?

Fatima: ( turning around facing him ) Better that I was in your arms. And you?

Zac: I always sleep better when I'm holding you in my arms.

Fatima kisses Zac passionately. And he picks her up putting her up against the shower and he made love to his wife. They washed up got out, dries off and put on their clothes. Fatima walks over and sat on his lap. 

Fatima: I love you

Zac: I love you too baby.

Fatima: And thank you baby.

Zac: For what?

Fatima: For last night. This morning. And just the love man and person that you are.

Zac: You don't have to thank me baby. Daddy going to always make sure mama's right.

Fatima: Speaking of, you ready to go get our baby girl?

Zac: Yes, I am.

Fatima: Well let's go. ( kisses him )

Zac grab the keys and they headed to Jordan's and Andi's. Fatima calls Andi.

Andi: Hello!

Fatima: Hey sis, are y'all up?

Andi: Yes we are?

Fatima: Well we're on our way over there.

Andi: Okay, I'm just up cooking breakfast.

Fatima: Good breakfast I'm starving.

Andi: Lol, I gotcha sis.

Fatima: See you in a min.

Andi: Okay.

20 mins later they make it to Jordan's and Andi's house.

Knock knock knock

Andi: Come in.

Fatima: Hey sis

Andi: Hey sis. Hey bro.

Zac: Hey sis. Where my baby at?

Andi: Let me go get her.

Jordan: Hey sis, What's going on bro?

Zac: Bro glad to be home with my family.

Jordan: I know that's right. This sister of mine was going through it.

Zac: I know my baby was.

In Andi and Jordan's room.

Andi: How did your night go?

Fatima: Perfect. Andi I love the way that man make love to me but last night I didn't even want sex from him. He just held me in his embrace and we just talked and cried together, until we fell asleep.

Andi: That's beautiful. That type of intimacy is worth more than anything.

Fatima: It definitely is. But this morning, sis the way he caressed my body and made love to me. It made me realize more that I don't ever wanna lose that.

Andi: I know the feeling.

Fatima: So you know what I'm talking about.

Andi: Girl yes.

Fatima: Let's go in the front before I get emotional again.

They went back up front.

Zac: There my baby go. Hey daddy's princess. Daddy missed you so much. Was you good for mommy while I was gone? Because mommy wasn't a good girl. She was being mean to daddy. Daddy loves you princess, always remember that.

Ava smiled.

Andi: Yea she got him wrapped around her finger.

Fatima: Just like her mommy does. ( winks )

Andi: What y'all doing today?

Fatima: Probably just sit at the house and have some family time together. I was without my husband for 4 days, I need him close to me.

Andi: I heard that. I would want the same.

Fatima: What y'all doing today?

Andi: Girl I don't even know. I gotta go grocery shopping for the house tho.

Fatima: I went grocery shopping yesterday after I left work.

Andi: That's what I should've done.

Fatima: Well sis we going to get going and get Ava home and have family time.

Andi: Okay sis, love you and call me later.

Fatima: I love you too sis, and I will.

Zac: You ready?

Fatima: Yes I am.

Zac: Alright then bro, I'll hit you up later.

Jordan: Aight bro. Y'all get home safe. Love y'all.

Fatima: Love you too bro.

Fatima and Zac left and headed home. 30 mins later they got home and went inside.

Zac: So what you wanna do?

Fatima: Just relax, I'm still kinda tired and my body is sore.

Zac: What's going on.

Fatima: Last night was the first night I was able to get some sleep.

Zac: You wanna go lay down.

Fatima: Nah, I'll wait. We have a baby to tend too.

Zac: Baby if you're tired, don't force yourself to stay up. Get a nap, I got Ava. And when you wake up, I'll have dinner ready.

Fatima: You sure you got it baby?

Zac: Baby yes, now go lay down.

Fatima: I love you.

Zac: I love you too.

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