Chapter 46

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Zac's POV

When Mimmi and I woke up we went and got dressed before meeting Rikki outside as we went to meet up with Cleo since we were heading to Emma's house.

As we headed in.

"Welcome to my Gothic World." Rikki said.

"Ha." I said.

"That's not funny." Emma said. "It's my Dad's Birthday, it's an important Night."

"I can't believe you organized this whole thing by yourself." Rikki said. "It's very efficient."

"Have I told you about the Seafood?" Emma said as mine and Mimmi's eyes light up.

"Only 25 times." Cleo said.

"Tell your Dad it needs to be fresh and it has to be his best stuff." Emma said.

"Hope he has some left overs." Mimmi said grinning.

"We need to have it here by 7:45, better write that down." Emma said.

"You seem a bit tense." Rikki said.

"I'm not tense." Emma said.

"You're gritting your teeth." Rikki said.

"It's called a smile, Rikki." Emma said.

"So grinding your teeth." Mimmi and I both said.

"Elliot don't just do Yellow and Black, get some other colors." Emma said.

"Alright, geez." Elliot said.

"If you want something done right you've got to do it yourself." Emma said. "The Night's itinerary. Ok, we'll do meet and greet for 8:00 until 8:40, Dad arrives at 8:50."

"And what if he doesn't?" Cleo said.

"It's squash night, regular as clockwork." Emma said. "We'll have a surprise and congratulation until 9:10 at 9:40 the Seafood will be served."

"You got a gap between 9:10 and 9:40." Rikki said.

"That's when I read my speech." Emma said. "I've timed it at 26 minutes and 45 seconds. Approximately leaving a little over 3 minutes for applause and congratulations."

"Sounds more like a Battle plan than a party." Rikki said.

"I need to test out my speech." Emma said after she went on but just as she finished everyone clapped and she came back over to us and sat down.

"That's Beautiful." Cleo said.

"Needs some editing." Rikki said.


Mimmi and I just got to the park as did Rikki and Emma as we went into see Cleo.

"Hi, Cleo." Emma said.

"Did you see that?" Cleo said. "That old woman, she was standing just there." She said pointing across the Park.

"What old woman?" Rikki said.

"She knows about us." Cleo said. "She said something about the Full Moon being dangerous."

"I didn't see anyone." Emma said.

"Me neither." Rikki said.

"She told me not to talk to Sea perch and something about reflections and beware the Full Moon." Cleo said.

"Sounds like she had a bit too much sun." Rikki said.

"There's something different about her." Cleo said.

"But how did she know?" Mimmi said.

"What do you mean, Zac?" Cleo said.

"There's a Full Moon tonight." Mimmi said.

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