Chapter 13

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Zac's Pov

It's the day of the full Moon for the third time for me. That was all I could think about when I woke up, I ended up and ate half a box of Prawns before I got dressed. I play my PS for a good hour before I started to pack for staying over at Alex's place for the weekend. I was still worried about tonight, but Alex did say she would stay with me so that's a plus. There was a knock on my door about 10 minutes after I finished packing. I head towards the door and open it to see Alex there. "Hey Alex." I say.

"Hey Zac, ready for tonight?" She asks.

"Not really." I say.

"Zac it's going to be okay." Alex says coming over to me before putting her arm around me before saying. "I'll be with you all the way."

I just nod my head before I heard her say "Zac." I turn my head to her before she pulls me in for a kiss which felt could forever before pulling away and saying. "I Love you Zac." Before I pull her back in for a kiss which she knew that I Love her too. She pulled out of the kiss again before she decided to ask. "You all set?" I say. "Yeah got everything, drop this at yours and go for a swim?"

"Yeah, so come get your bag and lets go." Alex says.

I grab my bag and head out the door as we started to head to Alex's house. The whole time we were talking quietly whispering about the Full Moon which made me uncomfortable but I needed to know as much as I could. We arrive at Alex's while we were talking how she took her some time to get her Anchor before she found out it was me.

Just when we get there Rita opened the door, like she knew we were coming. We headed into Alex's bedroom so we could put my bag in her room before we went back to the living room where Rita was before we sat down on the sofa and cuddled into each other. We were sitting there for about a couple of mins before we heard Rita say. "Alex, Zac, are you going for a swim soon?" We ended up looking at each other before we turned back to Rita and nodded that that's what we're doing. "Okay just be careful." Rita says.

"We will." Alex and I say.

"Just be back before dusk, to give us enough time to set up everything." Rita says.

"Okay Mum, we will." Alex says.

"Okay you two, see ya later." Rita said heading out the door.

"Want to go for that swim?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, lets go." I say before we got up and headed for the grotto. Just when we were about to jump in the Moon Pool. Nixie, Lyla, and Serena surface.

"What are you guys doing here?" Alex asks.

"We wanted to check if everything was setup for the Full Moon tonight?" Lyla asks.

"Yeah, everything set up and we were actually just about to go for a swim." I say.

"Okay just get back in time." Nixie says.

"We will." Alex says.

Then the 3 disappeared, then Alex and I jump into the water and let the transformation take over and we took off to Mako. We just got there and we go for a swim around Mako and we see a lot of Fish, Sharks, Rays, Dolphins the whole way around Mako to the Moon Pool. We swim in through the entrance to the Moon Pool and Surface.

"That was awesome." I say.

"Yeah I know, just better having someone with you." Alex said looking at me with that loving look in her eyes.

"Yeah, it is." I say before putting a hand on her cheek, then she leaned into my hand. Before I pulled her closer to me all the way til our Tails was touching before we kissed. When we let go of each other we looked up to see it almost dusk.

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