Chapter 1

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Alex's pov.

"Mum!" I yell from the kitchen. "THERE'S NO prawns! What am I going to snack on?"

"Call the Café and place an order, Poseidon needs treats too, for now, eat some crawfish!" My Mum Rita yells back at me from down the hall.

"OKay!" I yell back as I grab my phone and dial the Cafe's number.

"Hello?" David answers.

"Hi David, it's Alex, I need to place an order prawns and tuna." I say to him.

"Sure, how much?" He asks.

"Umm... Wait a second." I pull the phone away, "Mum, how much do you want?" I ask her when she walks in.

"However much Prawns you want, at least 2 pounds of Tuna, it will last us for a while." She says opening the fridge and grabbing the last of the tuna.

"I need 2 pounds of Prawns and 2 pounds of Tuna, 3 lobsters, 4 crabs, and a pound of Crawfish." I say writing down what I said on a note pad.

"Okay, that will be $150.75." he says.

"Okay see ya around David." I say.

"See ya Alex." He replies before hanging up.

"Order placed?" Mum asks after putting Poseidon's bowl on the floor.

"Yeah, 2 pounds of Prawns and 2 pounds of Tuna, 3 lobsters, 4 crabs, and a pound of Crawfish." I say jumping up onto the counter.

"What did I say about being on the counter?" She said warning.

"Sorry Mum." I say sliding down.

"Okay, I have to run errands, so if you go out, be careful, and don't be out too late." She says grabbing her purse.

"I always am, plus I might just go for a swim." I say yelling towards the door.

"Fine by me, Love you sweetheart." She says before opening the door.

"Love you too Mum!" I say before heading down the hall to the bookshelves. I pull on the mermaid myths one, and the hidden doors to the grotto opens.

I head down the stairs. I toss my phone on the seat, and head toward the moon pool. I jump in, and once my tail forms, I speed off.

When I get to the moon pool, I surface.

"Who are you?!" A voice sounds.

"Who are you?" I say looking at the person the voice belonged to.

"I'm Lyla and this is Nixie and Serena, now who are you?" The mermaid said.

"Alexandra but you can call me Alex... Your a mermaid to?" I ask.

"Of course! We were born this way." The one named Nixie says. "How are you a mermaid?"

"Just like you, I was born this way." I say leading on the side of the pool.

"Really?! What pod are you from?!" The one named Serena asks.

"I'm not from a pod..." I say hanging my head.

"Then how are you a mermaid?" Lyla asks.

"My Mum was banished for liking a land boy, and she already had her moon ring, so she used it to give herself legs, her and the land boy got married, had me, and when I was 10, my Dad died, and my Mum and I have been alone since then, and I have had a tail since I could walk." I explain.

"Wow, I'm sorry." Serena says.

"It's fine, I've gotten used to being alone by now." I say.

"Do you know a land boy that fell in here last night." Nixie asks.

"What did he look like?" I ask.

"Black hair, tall, Muscular." Lyla says.

"I think you're describing my best friend Zac." I say. "Anyway got to go see ya next time if your here."

"Same here." The 3 says back.

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