Chapter 29

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Zac's POV

I woke up and saw Alex still asleep. I was hoping it was just a dream but it's not. Like what the Hell. One Hell of a Full Moon, I go try and find out how bad the Chamber can be then find out I've always been like this. What a cluster Fuck. But I need to know weather it is true or not, only way to do that is to ask my parents but should I do it alone or with Alex I need to know if this whole thing is real. Being born a Merman, Mimmi being my sister, my real Mother is a Mermaid. But why would she just leave me here on land. Why wasn't she with Mimmi?

Then I felt a hand on my cheek, I looked to see Alex awake and looking at me.

"Hey." Alex said.

"Hey." I said.

"You okay?" Alex said.

"I don't know if I can be, I just found out there is a chance I'm adopted, and my parents aren't my parents. Heck, I don't know if I can even be alright after that it feels like my Life has been a lie." I said.

"Hey, it's not. You Love me, I know you do we grew up together, Zac. I know you. I don't care if you were born a Merman or not. I Love you, Zac. Even if this is true, I always will." Alex said.

"That does make me feel better if any of that is true." I said.

"I don't think, Mum would say that if it wasn't, Zac, but if you want I can come and we go talk to your parents." Alex said.

"Okay." I said.

"I go get some breakfast for us, be back in a few." Alex said heading out the door. Then once the door was closed, I got up and got changed into what I was going to wear today.


Once Alex got back, she had brought some Prawns and Tuna which we ate for a bit while we went on to the PS5 and watch some Movies that Alex had in her room just instead of silence. We ended up staying like that for nearly an hour. Then Alex got up.

"Come on, we can't keep putting this off." Alex said reaching towards me.

I got up then grabbed her hand as we headed out the door without anyone there and headed for my house. I was worried. If they knew this whole time. When the Hell were they going to tell me?

"Zac, what is it?" Alex said.

"What if they knew all this time, when the Hell were they going to tell me?" I said.

"Zac, I don't know." Alex said. "But you always have me."

"Thanks, I wouldn't know what I would be like right now, if you weren't here." I said.

"Me too, Zac." Alex said.


Not long after we reached the house and my parents was in the house, I walked pass and went into my house, and didn't have to wait long till they came in and I asked them if I was adopted. They said that I was, and that they were going to tell me when I turned 18. Then they were wondering how I knew. But I wanted to know where they found me. They ended up taking me and Alex down to the beach.

"We tried and tried to have a baby, for many years." Mum said.

"We had all the tests, but it just wasn't possible." Dad said.

"We used to take long walks along this beach, being by the water always helped." Mum said. "We use to stare out at the Ocean and wish for a child and then one day it was as if our wish had been heard. It was like the Ocean had carried you to us, and we Loved you from the start, with every bit of ourselves."

"We tried to find your birth mother, but nobody claimed you, so we adopted you." Dad said. "I know it's hard to understand why we didn't tell you, but as far as we were concerned."

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