Chapter 12

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Alex's pov

It was a normal day for Zac and I for the next couple days, doing the same thing, going to school, around to my house, Mum's lessons were going just great and we are still looking  for a way to destroy the Trident. It's 3 days before Zac's third Full Moon. He is really nervous about it and we ended up just keep trying to find his anchor, but I told him he find it just before the Moon rises. We ended up going for a swim which was what we always do now, us racing to Mako, head towards the reef swim around see what we could see. Then we head to the Moon Pool.

"That was fantastic." Zac says when we surface.

"Yeah it was, but it was a lot better having you there." I say.

"Yeah, same plus we are alone for now." He says moving closer.

"True." I say moving closer to him which is right then our tails touch each other.

"When did you know that I was your anchor?" He asks wrapping an arm around me. 

"It was actually my third when I found out that it was you, plus kinda had a crush on you for ages." I say putting my arms around him.

"So do you think I can be able to find mine this time?" He asks.

"Yeah plus I think I know who it will be." I say before kissing him.

"Well, let's wait and found out then hey, plus I got you and your Mum helping me through it." He says.

"True, come on lets go back." I say while he just nods before kissing me and taking off. "Hey, that's cheating!" I yell before taking off after him. We both end up in the reaching the Moon Pool in the grotto at the same time. "That was cheating." I say as we pulled ourselves out of the water.

"Was not." He says as we was using our powers to dry ourselves.

"Was too." I say when we both was almost dry.

"Okay, let's not do that again." He says as we were dry before we changed back to our human form.

"Fine, I still got homework to do, what about you?" I asked him.

"Yeah it's in my bag, go to your room and finish it?" He says getting up and helping me up.

"Yeah, let's go." I say heading out of the grotto and headed towards my room.

We finished our homework and then we decided to go to the Café to get some food, we also decided to walk there, as soon as we got there they saw Evie and Cam leaving then ended up seeing Nixie following him which was really weird, true he knew about us but it was still weird to see them. We went and sat at one of the tables, then David came over.

"Hey guys." David said.

"Hey." Zac and I say.

"So what you guys want to drink or drink?" He asks.

"Strawberry milkshake and Fish burger." I say.

"Same here." Zac says.

"Okay guys. I'll be back soon." David said before he went over to the counter to place our orders.

"So any ideas what we're going to do after we eat?" I ask.

"Go back to mine and play something or watch a movie." Zac says.

"Yeah that sounds brilliant." I say.

Carley comes over with our order and Zac gives Carly the money for it and she left to cash it. We ate up the fish burger and drank the Milkshake before we went back to Zac's. Once we got back to Zac's, we decided to watch some Fast and Furious movies since Zac had all of them that was out so far. Then Mum called saying for Zac and I to come back to the house. I told her that we were on our way. I turned to Zac and said. "Mum wants to see us back at mine."

Zac turns and says. "Alright lets go." We got up and headed out Zac's door and headed straight for my house, It was the best day we had in ages, a nice sunlight shining on us from behind as we walked the hill to my place. Just when we get to the door Mum opens it to let us in and we go into the living room. Zac and I sit on the couch, while Mum sat on the chair. "Mum, what's this all about then?" I ask.

"Everything set for the full Moon?" Mum asks.

"Yeah Mum, Zac staying here for the weekend and so after this full Moon we could try and find a way to follow Zac's plan to destroy the Trident." I say.

"Okay, does your parents know your staying the weekend Zac?" Mum asks.

"Yeah they do and they are completely fine with it." Zac says.

"Okay great, let's hope this full Moon goes just as planned." Mum said.

"Yeah, you and me both." Zac and I say at the same time.

"Okay, well both of be back for 7pm tomorrow night so we can be right." Mum says.

"Okay Mum, see ya tomorrow morning Zac." I say.

"Yeah see ya tomorrow Alex." Zac says before he kissed for a moment before heading back to his place for the night.

Once Zac gone home I go and get changed for bed. I ended up so tired as soon as my head hit the pillow I instantly fall asleep.

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