Chapter 22

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Zac's POV

I woke up and i got up and changed before I went over and turned on my TV and PS 5, while I was waiting for it to load up I went to the fridge and pulled out a box of Prawns. I ate them before I headed out the door and towards Alex's place.

When I got to Alex's. Alex was already waiting by her front door.

"Hey." Alex said.

"Hey, ready?" I said.

"Always come on." Alex said.

Then we headed into her place and to the Grotto and towards the Moon Pool. Once we got there, we jumped in and let our tails form and then we shot off to Mako to where we always went for our morning swim. Once we Swam around our spot we headed to our part of the island where Alex and I pull ourselves out of the water and sat next to each other.

"That never gets old." I said.

"Nope and it never will, Zac." Alex said.

"I could always do this with you." I said.

"Me too, Zac." Alex said. "But what if we get found out, what then?"

"We Swim off somewhere together." I said.

"You would really do that for me?" Alex said.

"Yea, always for you Alex." I said.

"We should go and meet Evie at the Café." Alex said.

"Yeah, let's go, but I could lay here and watch you the whole time." I said.

"I know, come on, let's not keep Evie waiting." Alex said.

Then we pulled ourselves back into the water and shot off towards her's so could go and dry off and Alex grabbed her bag and we headed to the Café to meet up with Evie. Once we get to the Café Evie is waiting for us and we met up with her and head into the Café where I see Cam. How can this prick just do that to me, he could have killed Alex and the others from just being a jealous Asshole.

"I'll be with you guys in a second." David said.

"Nice day." Cam said.

Then Alex grabbed my hand no doubt knowing what I was thinking.

"Yeah." I said.

"Catch you later." Cam said then left.

"You okay?" Alex said.

"Yeah." I said.

"When are you 2 going to work it out?" Evie said.

"What?" I said.

"Well, you know, what happened on Mako." Evie said.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said.

"Okay, what can I get you guys?" David asked.

"The usual to go, thanks." Evie said.


Alex and I just finished and then Erik came over.

"Hey, Zac, Alex, can I get you something before I finish up?" Erik said.

"We're good, Erik, thanks." Alex said.

"Let's go Alex." I said and we left and headed to mine and played on the PS 5 and went on Black Ops for a bit before we sat down and watched Iron Man 1, 2, and 3. Then Mum came in.

"Hey, Zac, Alex." Mum said.

"Hey, Mum." I said.

"Hey, Lauren." Alex said.

"What are you two doing today?" Mum asked.

"We were just about to watch more of that Star Trek Series since we haven't in a while so we can catch up on it." I said.

"Well, wouldn't keep you, be careful you two." Mum said.

"Will do." We said and Mum left and we switched to Netflix and started to watch Star Trek Discovery from Episode 3.


We ended up finishing watching the Season 1 Episode 9 halfway through the Series. Then we decided to go for another swim and went out to the Dock and jumped in after checking no one was watching. Once our Tails formed, we head along the Coast to the Beach and then we started swimming to Mako, slow for a bit and then we just wanted to get there, so with a nod we decided to Speed up and we raced each other to Mako and then we slowed down and surfaced.

"That was great." I said.

"We should go to the Moon Pool." Alex said.

Then went under and swam nice and slow towards the Moon Pool Entrance and we ended up holding each other's hand before we went and Surfaced and we found no one in there so we just sat on the edge and I just wrapped my arms around Alex and we ended up watching the day play out and then we fell asleep.


When we woke up we headed back to mine and Alex texted Rita saying that she was staying with me Tonight and Tomorrow Night since it's a Full Moon. So we went in and got changed. I got into a pair of bottoms and Alex used my shirt's and we watched The Top Gear Specials. Which took us to 22.30 when we finished we went to bed.

"Night Alex." I said.

"Night Zac, I Love you." Alex said.

"I Love you too, Alex." I said.

Alex cuddled me tightly and we fell asleep hoping Tomorrow I would be able to have it under control Again.

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